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Where's Janice?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:54 pm
by Getupngo
Sunday, Sept. 7: Okay, I put the Escape Capsule on the ferry yesterday and crossed the "pond" to the mainland. Put new shoes (tires) on my CRV and then squatted, uh, boondocked at Camping World in Burlington. Picked up the few things I needed, and did a REALLY short first day on the road. Only went as far as Olympia. Lovely little shady campground. We're really close to town, but I can't find any over-the-air TV, and I don't think they have cable. But they DO have wireless!! Ha! Ha!

I opted to stick to the flats on my way home & not cross the Cascades because my Blue Ox brake-assist system went on the blink. So I'll take it easy on the flats all the way home. I'll call Blue Ox and see what they want me to do with it. I understand they provide terrific customer service.

I'm gonna take the "kids" for a walk. Ta!

Re: Where's Janice?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:38 pm
by Cedar518
Hi Janice! Sounds like you are making wise decisions,... level route, short day,... I'd ride with you any day my friend!

Re: Where's Janice?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:16 pm
by avalen
have a great trip and be safe

Re: Where's Janice?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:59 pm
by Cougarfan
Hey Janice,
If you plan on rolling thru Salem, let me know. Sounds like we could do lunch or something tomorrow. I'll be at work, but my lunch time is pretty flexible.

Beth has my phone number so if you want it, she can pass it on to you.

Hope to meet ya!


Re: Where's Janice?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:31 pm
by rvgrammy1953
Janice....sounds like a wise plan....have a safe trip....will be thinking of you....


Re: Where's Janice?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:17 pm
by Getupngo
Laura, thanks for the Salem invite, but I think I'm heading thru Portland and home. My old dog is doing the peeing thing yet again ... and I just want to get him home. And I think I just want to be home, too. I'm feeling really tired tonight.

I think tomorrow's destination is Baker City, OR.

Re: Where's Janice?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:33 pm
by snowball
looks like we are not on your way home!! drat but understand wanting to get home once in awhile I feel that then remember I am home!! Give you a call when we get to Utah and maybe we can gtg at say the cocoa cafe or even at my place!!! not sure where that is going to be though.
See you soon

Re: Where's Janice?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:14 am
by SeeyaGal
Safe travels from Chimicum to you. We were at the Burlington Camping World last Sept :lol: I used to roller skate every Saturday at the roller there in Burlington. It's where the Fred Meyer is sitting.

Re: Where's Janice?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:10 pm
by Getupngo
Tuesday, Sept. 9th: Drove to Pendleton, OR from Olympia WA yesterday. Turns out it's Pendleton Roundup week, and I was lucky they could squeeze me in just long enough to sleep. Today I set out for Burley, Idaho at 9 a.m. and I finally arrived at 5:30 p.m. (with the time zone change). I'm at the Village of Trees RV resort. I stayed here on my way to the Northwest. I like it here.

Tomorrow it's on to Lava Hot Springs, ID, where I'll take a look at the property DH and I bought two weeks before he died. We walked it the day he died, and I don't think I've actually set foot on it since. It's time. It's 6 1/2 acres, with a small stream along the bottom of the property. It'll be bittersweet.

I couldn't get the wireless to work at my rig, so I've got to close up the laptop, feed the dogs (and me!). Write to you tomorrow.

Re: Where's Janice?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 9:18 pm
by Bethers
It sounds like it's been a good, and nicely uneventful trip so far. My prayers and thoughts will be with you when you stop at the property. I know that's going to be hard for you. And maybe good also (I hope).

Re: Where's Janice?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:49 am
by Cedar518
Janice,... I'll be thinking of you,.. so go walk that property,..and have a conversation with your hubby,... I hope it is a gift of further healing for you.

Re: Where's Janice?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:52 pm
by Getupngo
Wed., Sept. 10th: Woke up this a.m. to howling winds. Those familiar with Janice's Travails remember that on my way to the Northwest that the awning on my big slide likes to come out and play whilst I'm driving in the wind. So I'll stay put one more night.

Yes, thank goodness for glitch-free trips (fingers crossed, wood-knocking). Yesterday was a hot day on the road ... finally closed the windows and ran the roof air. TODAY? It's sweatshirt weather with a real chill in that stiff wind. Strange.

Re: Where's Janice?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:07 pm
by Getupngo
Judging from the lack of response to my last post you all may not care :cry: but I made it home safe and sound. I got to the intersection ... left to Lava Hot Springs, right go home ... and I went home. Maybe some other day. I really wanted to get home. It is SO nice to have rooms wider than 10 feet ... and the dogs are THRILLED to no longer be on house arrest.

Haven't been on the forum for a while, because I won't have any Internet access until the 23rd (Comcast ... sigh!) and I'm going cell phone-only. So my participation on line will be spotty. But it's nice to be home. I'm gonna put the COVER on the RV and not break it out until at least spring.

Re: Where's Janice?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:14 pm
by avalen
welcome home Janice, glad you had a safe journey, and don't forget to get that
blue ox thing fixed. Your last post never showed up for me, in fact the last
couple posts hadn't showed up, I always click on new posts but things have
been sorta weird lately anyway, I'm blaming it on Ike. But I care, and I know
everyone else does too.

Re: Where's Janice?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:31 pm
by Paulette
Janice, glad to hear you made it home safe and sound. Doesn't the house feel HUGH?