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Bug/insect noises

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:52 pm
by Echo
Oh my goodness I was gonna ask all ya'll about a bug sound that has been driving me about bat sh*t for the past 3 weeks. Finally I got to googling bug and insect sounds. I found the freaking thing. This thing is not pretty sounding to my ears at all but at least it's not 17-year Cicada. Now that I would have to get the gun out for. But the one we've been dealing with is bad enough. Sheesh Every dang night between 7:00 and 7:30 they start in. Oh geeze I will be so glad when they are gone. I'm ready to pull my hair out. All I could think of is that they sound like the electrode things in Dr Frankenstein lab, zzzaaweeeeeeuuuuuu zzzaaweeeeuuuu It's a Scissor-Grinder Cicada. ... ecies.html

hmm thought something was wrong with the url

Re: Bug/insect noises

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:55 pm
by Echo

Re: Bug/insect noises

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:50 pm
by asirimarco
I agree with you - they drive me freaking nuts - my husband loves the sound. It is so loud! And when one gets in the house - even louder.

Re: Bug/insect noises

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:48 pm
by Redetotry
Those things have been here for a couple of months. Sometimes so loud in all our trees it hurts my ears. But, my little dog Winnie loves catching them! I have to watch her though as her throat is so small one got stuck and I had to pull it out as she was choking, YUCK!! When she doesn't want to go out to potty I tell her there is a BUG out there and she flys out the door. I just played the sound and she came running to looking for it.

Re: Bug/insect noises

PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:22 pm
by mtngal
Thanks for the cool website Echo! I think the cicada we have in Austin is a different species but I have to tell you, I actually loved it after I got over the creepy feeling that came from the similarity to a rattle snake. I started listening to the different insects singing back and forth in the trees, and the end of the song which drifts down to a whisper, then silence. Loved it!

Re: Bug/insect noises

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:44 am
by Bethers
Diana and I must be strange - cuz I like the sounds too - always did. Then again, there is a time and place for them - don't want them everyday :) And I don't like hearing birds before I want to get up in the morning - but I delight in them after I'm already up.

And let me tell you - since I'm hard of hearing, it is a real treat to me, to be able to wear my hearing aids and hear all the insects out there - I often fall asleep and turn over where the hearing aid hurts my head and I then have to take them off - as I find it easier to go to sleep to all the noises of the world. Funny - you might not think you like them - but have the normal noises missing from your life, and they become dear.

Re: Bug/insect noises

PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:27 am
by Mtntophoundz
I don't mind bugs...but when I am trying to sleep I find them very annoying. Then to make matters worse I just turned my son (11yo) loose with this website. Somebody shoot me now! lol I think I have heard everyone of those so many times that I have them down pat. Oh the joy of raising a boy!