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My last week on the island ...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:46 am
by Getupngo
Gosh, this summer has gone fast. I begin my last week renting mopeds on Sunday, and will be done on Thursday. I'm looking forward to going home, but I'm going to miss the people here.

I did something interesting this week, however. I responded to a Craigslist personals ad from a full-timer who summering in NW Washington. He was looking for a woman who wants to travel with him to Central and South America (he writes books about his travels). I was intrigued. We emailed, talked on the phone, and he was supposed to walk-on the ferry to spend a few hours with me today on the island.

Yesterday, he emailed and cancelled, saying we could never work out because he figured -- without asking ME any questions -- that I wouldn't fit into what it seems is his tightly defined female role. I was initially shocked, then disappointed, but perhaps I dodged the bullet. LOL.

I would really love to find a partner in crime with whom to travel the country. Maybe someday. Perhaps not. But I can be as happy as I decide to be today.

Re: My last week on the island ...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:00 am
by Echo
Good grief!!

Actually it kinda sounds like it was a good dodge on your part and you didn't even have to do anything. LOLOLOL I don't think I would be unhappy at all over the missed 'opportunity'. He sounds like he is a nut case. With a few nuts missing. :lol:

Re: My last week on the island ...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:23 am
by avalen
I think you dodged a bullet too, consider yourself lucky and the right guy
will come along when you least expect. Besides you need to meet us
girls first before you fun off to south america with some strange man. :lol:

Re: My last week on the island ...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:17 am
by dpf
"that I wouldn't fit into what it seems is his tightly defined female role"

That sounds a little anal retentive to this his little way of saying that maybe you are too independent? Sista.. there are a lot of fish in the sea...and some that you don't want to catch, some that are cut up and used for bait or thrown back! You lucked out. :lol:

Re: My last week on the island ...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:32 am
by Barbzeee
Oh! Janice, I agree with the sista's... that one seems like he suffers from rectal cranial inversion to begin with... and what was his safe it ended before it began..cause what would you do if you were dropped off some place in South a way out of no where..ugh perish the thought... Hey, you just don't know how lucky you really were.... beside ifn' you want to meet someone.. put your own add in.. and you spell out all that you are looking for...why answer someone else's.... You are good with words...Go for it..!! Oh and yeah.. you never answered my question by the way Missy.... What escape plan have ya settled for .. on your way home... who all are ya gonna meet up with... Time for you to fess up... ifn' ya don't mind ..... :roll:
God Bless

Re: My last week on the island ...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:00 pm
by Getupngo
avalen wrote:...Besides you need to meet us girls first before you fun off to south america with some strange man. :lol:

Was that a bit freudian? LOL.

Here is what he said, just assuming that the way I currently do things is set in stone (as it appears is his):

I think we will like each other, then what???? [OMG! We'd LIKE each other?
How awful!]

The major problem is our very different style of RVing. You like to
stay in one place for a long stretch either volunteering or working. I
like to pickup and move every couple of weeks to some place new. Not
to mention I'm currently planning a return trip to Central America
with no planned return date to the United States. I'm not willing to
give up or change the RVing lifestyle I've lived for the last 13 years.
All I see is a no-win, frustrating situation for both of us. The gal I seek
would live aboard my rig (23.5 feet!) and be my navigator, etc.,
[I told
him he'd have to arm-wrestle me for the captain's chair because I love
to drive!] just as I indicated in my ad. I may not find her, but I can dream.

Yes, I did dodge the bullet. BTW, I have put my own ad in before ... it appears that no one wants a woman in her 50s. The nature of the "beast."

Re: My last week on the island ...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:47 pm
by avalen
:lol: ok, where IS that spellcheck?
little freudian unintentional gave us all a laugh, :lol:

Re: My last week on the island ...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 5:42 pm
by Bethers
Ya know - it actually sounds like he knows exactly what he wants and isn't willing to do any compromising. I kind of understand that - as I'm not sure how much compromising I'd do now - but I suppose if I chanced on the right person, I would. It would be easy to compromise for short term (as I am with this workamp job - yikes I still hate these 6 ams) but I know my final goal will be the reason.

But I don't know why he wouldn't have chanced meeting and making a new friend. THAT I definitely see as his loss.

And, Janice, I don't think I could be the co-pilot 24/7 either - would have to at least share that job :)

Re: My last week on the island ...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:41 pm
by Getupngo
The fact that he won't compromise ensures that he will never get exactly what he wants -- even if he finds it. Who wants someone who knows exactly what YOU should be? And then mind-reads and leaves when he's sure you'll never measure up, without ever actually finding out if you might.

Right. :roll:

Thirteen years alone on the road probably has led to a lot of arguments with himself that he always wins. Why change a good thing? LOL!

Oh! Oh! I left out the BEST part -- he kept trying to get me to buy a Thousand Trails membership. My reluctance factored into his decision. A clear incompatibility. :shock:

Re: My last week on the island ...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:26 pm
by snowball
I think you were being watched out for and didn't even know it.
So where are you headed on Thursday?

Re: My last week on the island ...

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:19 am
by Getupngo
In re: my travel plans ... I've been trying to reach my late DH's eldest son ... who is living in Eugene, OR. Wanted to stop by and see him & take him and his GF out to dinner. His mom gave me his email ... no response. I left a message on his phone. No response. After DH died, family relationships got pretty complicated. And my own responses in grief had a lot to do with it.

So I'll just start planning my trip home. After a few disappointments ... I'll think about it as the week goes on.

Re: My last week on the island ...

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:19 am
by Liz
LIz, Cedar here,.... We are breathing a deep sigh of RELIEF that you dodged that bullet. Yeppper,... you must be sounding too independent,.... good for YOU!

Re: My last week on the island ...

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:37 am
by mtngal
Hi Janice, just catching up on posts, glad to hear you didn't get hooked up in an unfortunate situation, try not to be sad though, the old adage that we don't know what's around the next bend is especially true for rvers! I bet it's bitter sweet to leave beautiful Friday Harbor. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures on the way home. Will the leaves be changing or is it still too early in the north country?

Re: My last week on the island ...

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:41 am
by Getupngo
Leaving the island IS bittersweet. Today is the beginning of my last week working here. Just "peed" the dogs & now I need to jump into the shower and begin my day.

Oops. Bandit just told me my priorities are all wrong. It's "FEED ME" ... then shower. Okay okay okay!

Talk to you ladies later.

Re: My last week on the island ...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:12 pm
by Cedar518
After Liz and I posted on Liz's computer, we again talked about your dodging the bullet ,.. we decided that you didn't just dodge a bullet,.... we said you may have dodged a cannonball!