nothing important, just life

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nothing important, just life

Postby avalen » Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:41 pm

just thought I'd make a quick post to let you all know there is nothing important
going on :lol: just normal everyday challenges. I've had a break in the heat though
and it does feel good, the heat just draines me and I feel so tired so lately I've been
sleeping all the way til the alarm goes off and then its up and out the door in a hurry.
Last week my window fell down in my drivers door and actually drove all week with
it open, :roll: not fun, then the other night (monday) I'm just dosing off and I hear
the pitter patter of big rain drops, I jumped out of bed, threw on some clothes,
grabbed my keys grumbling about moving the car and ran out in the rain barefoot.
No big deal but I was so worried about the rain getting in my car window!! (monsoon
pouring rain is not gentle) anyway, I moved the car to my neighbors carport as they
have not come back yet (snowbirds) and then went back to bed. So, yesterday one
of my coworker friends took my keys and went out and pulled the panel off my door,
put the window back up, wedged it so it wouldn't come down all within a few short
minutes. He was my hero for the day, woohoo. Anyway, the part to fix it is 240 bucks
from the dealer and can't get one from napa, autozone or checker. MAYBE a salvage
yard would have one but no gaurantee its a good part. Another friend is scouring
the internet parts warehouses for it for me also. I've fussed with it all last week and
now my friends are stepping up to plate to help me out. Its definately nice to have
the window up and drive with the ac on but unfortunately with the panel off the
door and the window buttons unplugged, this means none of the windows will go
down :lol: This repair is not on my budget :lol: don't have much choice though,
its gonna have to get fixed! This very simple personal stress about things I know
nothing about makes me so tired, I just want to sleep!! Its one thing to know enough
about something to fix it but altogether different when its something you have no
clue and don't even know what it is your looking at when your looking at it. Do you
follow me? or am I confusing you.
On a lighter note, I got my hair measured the other night. I've been growing my
hair long so I could cut it off in pony tails to donate to the" Locks of Love " wig program
for the cancer patients. It has to be 10" and my neck was getting so sore and tired
from all the weight I figured it had to be close. The sides, from the point where I
want to cut (jawline) is 10" !!!!!!! then of course the back is longer so no problem
there. Its time to CUT, I'll be so glad to get all this hair cut off. Its good healthy hair,
and although I can package it up and send it myself I'm looking for one of those places
here that do the haircut for free for the fundraising effort for the wig people. Usually
when I hear about it, its AFTER the fact, so this time I'm ready.
Thats about it for me right now, just wanted to stay in touch and express myself if
nothing more than to get it off my chest and give you ladies a little entertainment.
Life is good, I love my dogs and summer is coming to an end!! finally
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Re: nothing important, just life

Postby Getupngo » Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:29 pm

Your "car problem" story makes me think about my definition of the difference between major surgery and minor surgery. Minor surgery is a procedure performed on you rather than me!! LOL!

So you have a major "car problem." Windows are important ... rain does a lot of damage. So good luck getting that sucker fixed. LOL.

I admire you for growing your hair out for the locks of love. Heck, I admire that you CAN grow your hair out that much. LOL!
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Re: nothing important, just life

Postby Bethers » Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:34 pm

That window situation sure is a pain in the butt. I'm glad you have friends that helped you at least get it closed. And I hope you can get it fixed right soon. Dontcha just hate these unexpected expenses?

I have a g/f that grows her hair, gets it cut for locks of love, then grows it again - over and over again. What a great thing you and she do. I know she has found a salon that will do it anytime for that program - she just has to call and say it ahead of time, and the cut is free. I hope you find one soon that will cut it - wouldn't it be good if your hair would cooperate and be long enough BEFORE summer so you could cut it and be cooler during the hotter months. But since you're in AZ, you've got semi-hot months year round. Good luck to finding a place to get the cut soon - and again - way to go, g/f!
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Re: nothing important, just life

Postby snowball » Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:43 pm

good luck with the window its always stressful when something happens that we aren't prepared for even though the salvage places don'[t garrentee something you can kinda get an idea couldn't you if the 'damage' is on the other side one would think it would probaly work...we would hope so. Its a part that doesn't go out that often so think that they are long lasters. Any way good luck with it. My niece is handicapped due to brain injury and she grows her hair out for locks of love. It is such a worthy cause good for you!!! show us a pic of the new due!!!
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Re: nothing important, just life

Postby retiredhappy » Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:43 am

Car problems - urgggg. I keep saying we should go back to horses - they provide fertilizer, and you just breed a new one when they get old.

What a wonderful thing to do, growing your hair for a good cause.
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Re: nothing important, just life

Postby Cedar518 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:14 am

Good luck with that window, Ava,... i guess it's something you can't igore. Don't you just hate it when something like that happens and takes all your "extra" (haha) money?

I think you are great for doing the locks of love thing. my daughter did that too. I don't think I'd have the patience to grow my hair long again. I've had long hair most of my life until recent years. mine is barely to my coller and I'm yelling that i need a haircut. Gotta happen this weekend before i go back to school!

hang in there gal,....

Re: nothing important, just life

Postby Paulette » Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:48 am

Bummer on the window problem but hope you get it solved soon. My GD is growing her hair for LOL too! She's about ready to have it cut, and so am I as I hate brushing it out. It is thick, but tangles very easily. I guess it is what ya call "virgin" hair,...cause of her age. But man, I can't wait for the new shorter hair! Maybe she can start taking care of it herself!

My hair won't grow that long any more. It gets just below my shoulder and stops!

Well Ava, here's to cooler days, and a new window and a great hair cut!
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Re: nothing important, just life

Postby Liz » Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:13 pm

My grandaughter donated her hair to "locks of love" too. What a great gesture...and not an easy one for you either. My hair will never be that long again, but I know what it's like to lose all of it to cancer treatments, so I'm just glad to have some. Hats off to you!
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Re: nothing important, just life

Postby avalen » Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:45 pm

back in 2004, I went through a round of chemo for my liver, not the same as the
chemo for cancer but still went through the sickness and fatigue, wcc and rcc all
out of wack, I was so sick, but I expected to loose my hair and they told me I
would but I didn't, it thinned alot but never looked like it because it was so thick
to start with. After the treatment my hair was so damaged I finally cut it short,
really short, it was about an inch long all over. But it grew of course and the lost
hair filled back in and then two years ago I got it cut and styled really cute, really
short bobbed in the back, sorta layered and then the sides were all one length
from the part down to the jawbone. It was great and I really liked it so I intend
to do that again. This hair is two years growth and I wanted so badly to be able
to donate cause I feel its the last time I'll have my hair grown long, its just so
hard do the reaching and brushing and no one to do it for me. 100% of the time
its in a pony tail just because its easy, and if its dirty, no one knows, :lol:
I will take some pictures of the before and after when I find a place to do the
cut. I feel I want the pictures for myself as well since it might be the last of
my long hair. I'll keep ya posted on the big event.
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