Sharing some summer fun with my 2 GDs and DD.
First the horse camp pictures:
Amanda on Whiskey
Danica on the pinto, Girl
Then today was the triathalon. First was my DD (center) getting instruction. The sun was getting hot already at 9AM!
Another shot:
Everyone marching down to the Columbia River and then hiking 1/2 mi upstream to start the swim portion.
Sharing the river with this big guy! Can you see the little yellow kayak? There were several acting as line judges.
Biking was next. Here's the area.
Trying to get into her Tshirt. Found out she pinned her # to both sides and had to repin!
Then into her riding gear.
last: Running portion.
To the NE we could glimpse Mt St Helens.
To the SW Mt Hood.
2 GDs before their race.
Running portion: Amanda first, then Danica. I didn't get their swimming nor their biking part.
It was a perfect summer day and both girls got trophies.Here is their picture along with their friend, Macy.
Don't know what place my DD ended up but it was her first race so she just wanted to finish. SIL was the "go-fer" and also took pictures.