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Lakota Native American confrontation.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:24 am
by Sparkle
Yesterday all the Camp Hosts were called to a meeting. We were informed that on Monday we would have a day off, but we had to leave by 9.00am, no uniforms, no Camp Host signs, no Camp Host flags out. We can't go back until late this afternoon, if then, until we call and make sure the coast is clear. Apparantly the Lakota Native Americans want their land back. Thye object to having to buy a fishing licence and have a limit on their catch. They also, and this is where we come in, object to paying the $5.00 Day Use Pass. They are coming in and bringing with them a TV crew. There will be FBI, Fish and Game, Rangers, Wardens, you name it. When we refused them entry they planned to have us filmed on National TV getting arrested. They wanted confrontation because that's how you get publicity. Today was my day to work on the Beach. My only job, sell Day Passes, so whether you are sympathetic to their cause or not, I didn't want to be arrested, so I'm glad they gave us a way out. The whole thing may fizzle out, or it may turn into the Alcatraz situation, in which case I'll have to figure a way to get into my rig and rescue my dog and cat. I'll keep you posted.

Re: Lakota Native American confrontation.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 1:18 pm
by retiredhappy
Why is it you have all the fun? Where I grew up in Washington State, the Indians (I suppose after some kind of proof) didn't have to have fishing licenses. They were allowed to fish all year long, too. Glad to see you got to computer access.

Re: Lakota Native American confrontation.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:12 pm
by Bethers
Let us know what happens.

I'm also familiar with states that allow the Indians to fish without licenses, and have no limits, etc - not sure if it's just in certain areas, or throughout the state, but yep, they often do have that granted to them. I don't want to hear you landed yourself in jail either - so stay safe if there is an confrontation.

How much longer are you staying up north?

Re: Lakota Native American confrontation.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:55 pm
by dpf
Soon as I read Sparkle's post I started watching for updates on KELO news and the Rapid City Journal...but nothing as been reported about a confrontation.

Re: Lakota Native American confrontation.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:08 pm
by JanJer
The Native Americans in Michigan don't have to buy a fishing licence...haven't had to for years... I don't understand why the Lakotas are so far behind ;) Glad you had a way out Sparkle, keep your butt out of the slammer. No campfires in there hee-hee. Keep us posted.


Re: Lakota Native American confrontation.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:47 pm
by avalen
Can't blame you for staying away from confrontation, I would do the same thing.
Here in Arizona the indians run the reservation land and collect money from anyone
that wants to use it, including fishing, rafting, camping etc. Well, at least the area
along the salt river, don't know about the other ones. Rafting used to be free and
it was a nice gentle 6 mile float and now they (reservation) makes you pay to do
it. The park where I live is also on reservation land and its leased from the reservation.
The indians still maintain their ways of life here and when one of the old folks dies
in their home I'm told the indians come out and do one of their spirit cleansing dance
custom. I haven't seen it happen though, I always at work.

Re: Lakota Native American confrontation.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:05 pm
by Echo
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yep ya'll can tell Sparkle is in the house! LOL

So glad to here from ya Sparkle we were getting just a teeny tiny bit worried wondering about ya.

And I forget who it was that thought of you when they saw the pictures of the flooded beach.....?

Re: Lakota Native American confrontation.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:09 pm
by Redetotry
Hey Sparkle good to hear from you! Hope everything works out ok, you do lead an exciting life. If I ever get on the road, I'll camp near you so I won't get bored.

I hope you had a good birthday, you sure didn't look 99 :lol:

Re: Lakota Native American confrontation.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:15 pm
by Echo
99????? Oh hell! I thought this one meant that she was now 101. Dang sorry about that Sparkle!!!! :oops:

Re: Lakota Native American confrontation.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:31 pm
by snowball
doesn't really surprise me Sparkle remember "hearing" that the natives would camp up on the heads becouse they were protesting something and what would it hurt to give them fishing rights? Hopefully all is well glad as well to hear from you keep in touch ok. Where will you go to next?
stay safe

Re: Lakota Native American confrontation.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:21 am
by Gentleladybear
Sparkle, so glad to hear from you. Stay safe and out of the uprisings. Maybe the Indians will win out on this one and get the state to give them a license.

Be safe, hope you come down to Florida again this year.


Re: Lakota Native American confrontation.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:55 am
by asirimarco
wondering what if anything happened. sometimes you just can't blame the Indians. Used (when I was a kid) to live right next to a reservation in Idaho - how different the "white" lives were from the Native American lives.

Re: Lakota Native American confrontation.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:24 pm
by Sparkle
Well it rurned into a schoolyard shouting match. About 30 of them turned up and they felt they had won because we had all run away. (hey it was a paid day off) and we felt we had won because they didn't have a confrontation and it stayed off the National News. There was a small item on the local TV channel. All the TV crew could do was film the closed booth. My boss went over to talk to a guy fishing. The man pulled his line out of the water and told Doyle he was a Federal Agent and didn't even have a hook on his line. Nobody was in uniform that day. Apparently two Feds were killed by this group either last year, or the year before. I agree, it would be simple to give them a windsheild pass and an exempt fishing licence. It probably cost us more that day with shutting down. So onto my next piece of news. See new posting.

Re: Lakota Native American confrontation.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 7:14 pm
by MsBHaven
Sorry to not know this, but where is Sparkle now? I met some of the Lakota tribe members while I was in Wyoming last month. Just curious as to where (state, etc.) this had happened.

Re: Lakota Native American confrontation.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 12:13 am
by snowball
she is near Hill City SD in the black hills