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Short update Lemons to Lemonaide

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:51 pm
by asirimarco
Actually because I'm having problems with the internet I'll refer you all to my blog where I've managed to publish 2 updates. No pictures though - will add when we get home - tomorrow. Trip was much shorter then we planned.
Been a very interesting 4/5 days to say the least. Corydon, IN is a pretty and interesting little place.

Well we are home and back on line. Have added some pictures to my blog and will add a bit on Corydon to the Interesting Places section later today.
What started out as a bad trip turned out to be very nice and fun. And the new satellite receiver box was waiting for us at home. Need to get caught up on a few things now....

Re: Short update on Trip

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:18 pm
by Bethers
Wow. I just had a minute, so browsed the blog - you certainly had your share of problems. But I also saw how the music, etc when you finally got there was great - so at least the positives were there also.

I sure hope when the Alfa gets back to the rv place - they check out EVERYTHING and get it all working right!

Re: Short update on Trip

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:26 am
by Cedar518
Hi Carol,
i just read your blog,.. I really enjoy your writing, and the way you describe everything I feel like I'm right there with you,..either sitting on your deck with a "cuppa" or riding along. Sorry you had so many bumps in the road, but it sounds like the music made up for some of the inconveniences.

I'm going to add your blog addy to my "blog roll" on my page.

Re: Short update Lemons to Lemonaide

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:34 pm
by Getupngo
OMG, I have about three hairs left, pulling them out as I read your post ... until you got to the BEES!!! LOL. I'm sorry ... what a nightmare.

Glad it's sort out.