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Tn. or Bust

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:19 am
by Fernie
We are only are only about 3 hours from home. Bash and I were both awake early-----we went to bed at 8!!! At least I did!! I took a pain pill and slept like a baby. When I woke up, I almost felt normal. I am glad. Tobey has been outside----Bash took him out while I loaded part of the car. We will hit the road then stop for breakfast when we see something that looks good---unless we see something here we like before we leave Cave City. We ate about 3 yesterday afternoon and that was it. We are both hungry!!

Looking forward to getting home and getting settled in. I've been gone this time over 2 1/2 months. We will be home about 4 weeks before we head to Charleston, SC. for the RVW National Convention. That is always fun for me. I get to be Flossie Floosie and probably Pee Wee too there. Flossie for sure!!

Already have a chiropractor appointment for Tues. morning. Not planning much for the rest of the day. She will work me over good. She is great. I would never have lasted till retirement without her.

Tennessee here I come!!!

Re: Tn. or Bust

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:08 am
by MsBHaven
Glad to know you are having a good trip back and almost home. I bet you guys are hungry this morning after skipping dinner last night. You know you are in Cracker Barrel country. I'm sure home is going to feel pretty good to you today....but probably lots of work awaiting you there too since you have been gone so long.

Re: Tn. or Bust

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:07 pm
by Fernie
We got home about 10. Just relaxing so far. I have unloaded a few things from the car but just mostly relaxing for a bit before I really get busy. We did eat at Cracker Barrell -----twice yesterday and then this mornng!! LOL

Re: Tn. or Bust

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:39 pm
by Lotus
Fernie....Welcome home to "ya'll"!!


Re: Tn. or Bust

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:13 pm
by Shirlv
Glad you and Bash arrrived safe. Unless your toothbrush and clean underwear is in that car I would wait until tomorrow to unload. You two have earned a long rest. The Crackerbarrell, three times in two days, be still my heart. Whisper to me, I won't tell, did you have their wonderful pie and ice cream?

Re: Tn. or Bust

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:48 pm
by Fernie
No---breakfast twice and veggie plate yesterday afternoon. Too tired for dessert when we stopped. Now that is SORRY!!! :(

Re: Tn. or Bust

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:01 pm
by Barbzeee
OH Fernie... So good to hear you are that is wonderful... Great news I'm reading... I'm sure you wanted to kiss that Tenn.. ground.... Cracker Barrel..and No dessert...oooooooooh Lordy... I'm sure you'll make up for it.... speaking of which I have lots of dessert .. I'll share LOL...

Glad you are back home.. and chat with you soon...!

God Bless

Re: Tn. or Bust

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:46 pm
by Cedar518
OMG! Cracker Barrell and no dessert? Well, I understand the too tired to eat thingy because that happens to us all at times. But ,.. Fernie my friend,.... why didn't you take it TO GO? :lol:

Re: Tn. or Bust

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:41 pm
by Fernie
It doesn't happen too often believe me, but we were too tired to want to eat. Just eating because we needed to. Ate breakfast and a late lunch that day and that was it. All we wanted to do was go to sleep!! I will make up for it down the road!!

Re: Tn. or Bust

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:59 pm
by Echo
Ohhhh, lookie, lookie who's home now. Lord a'mighty gal, y'ins been gone a spell. Sit, sit, take a load off'n yer feet, jus push that dang ol' cat off that there rocker and relax fer a bit. Got me a bucket right hurr fer to put yer feet up iff'n ya wan tuh.

Welcome home Fernie! Tennessee has missed ya gal!!! YeeeeeeHaaaaaawwwwwww