I remember being driven down some of those street with Carolyn as tourist guide last Oct. The part about little national attention did strike me as I hadn't really been watching the news but had caught some of it and had seen Margie's Blog. I never realized how silent the coverage had been....but then with no looting involved where was the excitement. When will they consider sharing positive things in crisis situations..... Thanks, Sarah for sharing with everyone.
Tina and the furry companions...Lark, Audrey and Jane
I'm surprised that there isn't a link of where to contribute. They deserve help - and I hope they are getting it. Even if the news coverage was non-existent, I hope the help they need was given.
Beth “Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~ "He who treasures the small things in life has found the path to true happiness"
It seemed that as long as the rivers were still about to crest, it was news worthy, and as soon as they crested, the news factor was gone and so was the coverage. I donated some to the Red Cross, stated it to be used for Nashville, because I didn't see another place for donations. I read that some of the country stars will be holding benefit concerts. They will need a lot of help in the months to come. Linda
Thank you Sarah, so very very sad. I walked those streets last Oct and I just love Nashville. Makes me want to cry. And you're right, sensationalism is the only thing that gets news coverage.
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