Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

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Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

Postby CanineCaravan » Fri May 07, 2010 1:52 pm

Just wanted to wish all you Moms here a Happy Mother's Day early. I'm going to be busy with my daughter all weekend, so I doubt I'll be on the 'puter all that much.

We plan to go to the dog class I teach tomorrow am, then head to the Jersey Fresh horse show to meet up with some friends...then we'll head over to give our own hay-burner (Maverick) some attention and lots of lovin ;-) On Sunday, we're heading to the shore to a place called, Pt. Pleasant. It's our Mother's Day tradition---our last here in NJ, so we're going to really cherish it and look forward to creating a new tradition in TN ;-)

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Let's post pics on Monday! ;-)
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Re: Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri May 07, 2010 6:24 pm

Last night my dad gave me a big box all wrapped up for my Mother's Day present (and a wonderful card, and some wonderful money!). I opened the box and found a bunch of little gifts all individually wrapped in tissue paper. It brought back memories of when my mom would make up a Christmas stocking for me (right up until the year before she died) and it would be packed full with lots of little things wrapped up in tissue paper. I really, really miss that every year now at Christmas time, so when I opened this box and saw that, I almost started crying. As I opened each one, I thought a lot about my mom and almost wished I could play some Christmas music while I was opening up each little item. I have never told my dad how much I miss those stockings, so for him to come up with something like this was very touching for me! It was like my mom gave him the idea somehow. The items he put in there were very similar to the things she would have given me too, (they were divorced since I was a little kid, so he probably doesn't even remember she did that). It sure made my Mother's Day very special! I will probably buy some flowers on Sunday and go visit her gravesite. Her grave is under a large pine tree so I usually pick up something to eat on the way and plop my beach chair under the tree and talk to her while enjoying my little picnic lunch. I sure miss her! But I can still feel her around me a lot :)

Hope everyone has a great Mother's Day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

Postby sharon » Fri May 07, 2010 8:36 pm

The daughter, 2 grandaughters and 1 great-grandaughter usually go to I-Hop for breakfast so I can get my Harvest Grain pancakes, but this year the HOGS planned a bike trip to Santa Barbara, leave Sat AM, boogie back by noon on Sun. I asked my daughter if she would be upset if I came over for dinner instead and she was good with it. Then the BF and I got to talking and decided we didn't really want to make that fast a trip, so I told the daughter breakfast was still on if she was interested, she was, but her DH got pissy about it 'cause they're leaving Sun AM for the river (they were leaving Thurs, but moved it up to Sun) and he likes to leave at 0-dark-thirty. So I said no problem, why don't we go out to dinner on Sat evening and that was good...until I got an e-mail this morning reminding me that Chewy has her first group lesson Sat at 4. So any celebration has been delayed until the w/e after and I'll spend the day (and week) babysitting 3 BIG dogs and an extra 2 chihuahua's. The big dogs are good, no problem, but it gets pretty ugly with the chi's. The BF went jeeping. Well, you asked! :lol:
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Re: Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri May 07, 2010 9:06 pm

Here is a link to a poem I wrote on my first Mother's Day 9 years ago, that was "published" on the Lifemother's website...

Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

Postby CanineCaravan » Fri May 07, 2010 9:13 pm

BarbaraRose wrote:Here is a link to a poem I wrote on my first Mother's Day 9 years ago, that was "published" on the Lifemother's website...



That made me cry----beautiful, absolutely beautiful!!!
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Re: Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

Postby CanineCaravan » Fri May 07, 2010 9:20 pm

BarbaraRose wrote:Last night my dad gave me a big box all wrapped up for my Mother's Day present (and a wonderful card, and some wonderful money!). I opened the box and found a bunch of little gifts all individually wrapped in tissue paper. It brought back memories of when my mom would make up a Christmas stocking for me (right up until the year before she died) and it would be packed full with lots of little things wrapped up in tissue paper. I really, really miss that every year now at Christmas time, so when I opened this box and saw that, I almost started crying. As I opened each one, I thought a lot about my mom and almost wished I could play some Christmas music while I was opening up each little item. I have never told my dad how much I miss those stockings, so for him to come up with something like this was very touching for me! It was like my mom gave him the idea somehow. The items he put in there were very similar to the things she would have given me too, (they were divorced since I was a little kid, so he probably doesn't even remember she did that). It sure made my Mother's Day very special! I will probably buy some flowers on Sunday and go visit her gravesite. Her grave is under a large pine tree so I usually pick up something to eat on the way and plop my beach chair under the tree and talk to her while enjoying my little picnic lunch. I sure miss her! But I can still feel her around me a lot :)

Hope everyone has a great Mother's Day!

Awwww, Such a sweet story. I miss my Mom, too. She just passed this September after a long, hard battle with Alzheimers (sp?) My Dad died in 2004. It does hurt, but I know what you mean about "feeling" them around you. So glad your Dad did such a wonderfully touching thing. Have a wonderful Mother's day. ;-)
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Re: Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

Postby VickieP » Fri May 07, 2010 9:44 pm

That's beautiful Barbie, thanks for sharing it with us. I know it came from your heart.

I guess we will be going to Ronnie's parents house for Mother's Day. Even if we don't even get out of the truck we sit and visit with them most the time like that since he can't even get in their house any more. If the time allows, we will go to my great nephew's 12th birthday party.

I wish I could share the day with my Mom but she died in 2005 of ALS/Lou Gehrig's. I think I will tell yall about my Mom, my special Mom. She was the first woman rv'er I knew and the reason I love it. Her and my Dad traveled, meeting people all over the country. Her name was Elsie, she was a country girl. Raised in a family of 10 kids, working in the fields, feeding the cattle, gathering the eggs, milking, butchering, whatever it took. She wasn't afraid of hard work, her and my Dad built our home with the help of family, pinched pennies and added to it as they could. They struggled, sure, when they were first married, my Dad worked on a survey crew and they lived in a 17ft trailer. When they started a family it was my brother, sister & then me. I remember Momma telling the story about having me in the kitchen sink, trying to bathe me, my sister in the bassinet and my brother taking off pushing her, she couldn't leave me in the water and didn't know what to do. Hollering at my brother to stop didn't help, out of frustration she stomped her foot, that's when he stopped and turned around. Tests showed that he was deaf. They did whatever was necessary to get him to the schools he needed and provide for us too.

No one who ever came to my Momma's house left hungry. That woman could cook and she taught us to measure everything exactly, LOL, just a little bit of this and some more of that, till it looked right, an exact science. When on their travels, she said she would try to remember to talk faster instead of her normal country drawl, but that didn't last long, because she was just herself. And write letters, that woman could write some letters. People would love it when they made it on her letter writing list, LOL, usually they were at least 5 or 6 pages long.

I miss her, I bring her flowers and talk to her, but mostly miss being able to pick up the phone and ask her something about whatever's on the stove on the holidays. Yes, she shaped my life and I'm proud she was my Momma, yall would've loved her.
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Re: Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

Postby Cedar518 » Sat May 08, 2010 5:51 am

I'll be here at home,... missing my mother. But enjoying visits from my three kids (all grown) and three of my four grandchildren. My 4th, DGS, is still at college.

My housemate and I bought each other carnations that the 9th grade class were selling,.. and told each other that they were from our cats and dogs for mother's day! :lol: We do fun things like that. Always say that the "kids" took a car when we weren't looking and went out collecting bottles and cans from roadsides to earn money to buy us gifts. :lol:

Re: Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

Postby Nasoosie » Sat May 08, 2010 6:23 am

Barbie, what a beautiful piece of writing about your daughter! It sure did make me cry, too. Would you mind if I shared it with my lifedaughter (I think I prefer that term to birthdaughter, and I thank you for it) out in Oregon? I am so lucky to have found her after all these years, and, YES! In her face, attitudes, ways of interpreting life, humor, and mannerisms is my signature! Sometimes it's scary to see how strong are those DNA markers, despite the fact that she was raised a continent away for over 30 years before we finally got to meet. I see it even more strongly in her daughter, my granddaughter, who looks so much like my mother did at her age that people viewing pictures think they are one and the same person! It is awesome to see this!

And what a wonderfully thoughtful Dad you have, Barbie! Such a memorable Mother's Day gift he gave to you.

And as for my own mother, she is becoming more and more of a presence in my life as I realize just how much she influenced me over the years. I miss her all the time, and can still hear her voice now and then. I see her daily now, as I pass by a mirror. I wish I could hug her. But part of her is still very much alive and is walking around, viewing the world today within me. That comforts me. I am sure she feels shock many days, at what our world has become since she physically left it in 1980----shock and awe, both! My own kids are getting to know her through my voice and actions, and so she is not really gone. I am hoping they, too, will carry her on with them. She is most certainly in my daughters, both of them, and in my granddaughter.

Happy Mother's Day to all of us women, whether we be mothers ourselves, or not, we all have mothers or mother memories. It is a time to celebrate and remember with fondness those good times we shared with our mothers. I have loved reading this thread and getting to know your mothers.
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Re: Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

Postby Carolinagal » Sat May 08, 2010 10:59 am

Well, its taken me some time to decide to post what my day is going to be. In some of the post, some of you are a wee bit sad, thinking of our mothers who have left us. Mine died April of 95, my mother in law, who I loved as my mother, died October of '95. 6 months apart and very hard for me at that time. I miss them still. BUT this year, due to the fact that I don't think of dates all that much, I will be indisposed for any kind of celebration. My children all live in other states, so the most I can expect will be phone calls, and that I should be able to enjoy, I hope. Monday morning, I am scheduled for my colonoscopy, soooo you all know how my Mothers day will be spent :roll: :cry: :oops: I made the app. two weeks ago, as it was a good day for my driver, that was all I had on my mind, Last Sunday, I realized, this Sunday was Mothers day, and boy have I goofed. Oh well, when someone is doing you a favor. I will be missing out on the Mothers day lunch that the men of our church,(we are small) will be taking the women out for. What a bummer !!!

So as I wish you all a very Happy Mothers day, I know it will be so much better then mine or I pray that it is. If you think of me and my situation, maybe it will make your day better!!! ;)

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Re: Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

Postby bikerchic777 » Sat May 08, 2010 12:41 pm

Barbie...I love your poem! I think I teared up as much reading Soos' post :cry: I am so thankful to still have my mother here! She will be 93 this Sept. and still living in her own house and driving her car :o I have been planning a Mother's Day get together with some friends and their moms. Our moms know each other and all love each other so will be nice for us to all see each other again. One is like a second mom to me as I grew up next door to her and she was always there for a lunch and ear to bend. Always seemed genuinely concerned :) Brunch at a restaurant at noon. I will stop on my way to pick up Mom to pick up my traditional corsage that I buy for her every year. I think she likes the special touch ;) I will take my laundry with me so will be throwing that in her washer and dryer all afternoon while we visit or run errands. Would like to stop and buy some annuals and dirt, like we usually do together, but will see if we have time. We've been invited to supper pot luck out at my niece's farm so will do that since they don't always think to invite me...my half brother's side. DXH has agreed to take care of the afternoon run for me so I can spend the day with Mom. I'm doing it today so he can spend the day with his DD. Not much usage of the recreation area this weekend with the blustery weather, so no biggie. Will probably take Rags over to visit his brother for the day. They get so excited to see each other :D Happy Mother's Day to me and all you mothers out there :!:
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Re: Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat May 08, 2010 4:03 pm

Soos, you have my blessing to show my poem to your 'life daughter'. I hope that people will share it if they feel moved to do so.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

Postby mitch5252 » Sat May 08, 2010 7:39 pm


Dear Ladies,

I cut this bouquet from my Daddy's garden with my own little paws.
(and although I did have a bit of trouble with the scissors, I still have all my toes...)
I love my Mommy.
Daddy says he will help me cook Mommy a special breakfast tomorrow.
I hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day!

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Re: Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

Postby Liz » Sat May 08, 2010 8:21 pm

VickieP wrote: Yes, she shaped my life and I'm proud she was my Momma, yall would've loved her.

I guess that's why we love you, Vickie.

Barbie, that was a beautiful poem about your daughter.

Soos said, "I see her daily now, as I pass by a mirror.".... :lol: Yep, I've turned into my mother in the mirror too, a fact my brother keeps reminding me of.

My oldest dd & family came today to celebrate mother's day. They took me out to lunch, then pressure-washed my pool deck & furniture which I have been procrastinating about. The kids enjoyed swimming in the pool while the work was going on. Got a nice card from youngest dd...they live too far away for a visit.
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Re: Happy Mother's Day! Any special plans?

Postby VickieP » Sat May 08, 2010 10:11 pm

Thank you Liz.

Happy Mother's Day to everyone out there, doesn't matter if you have children with 2 legs or 4!

Abby, you sure cut some pretty flowers for your Mommy!
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