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Smells and sights of Kansas

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:01 pm
by retiredhappy
Another really, really big thunder and lightening storm last night. Someone is conspiring to keep me from going to sleep early. Poor Sassy - under the covers again. Panting and panting. Not the kind of storm I’m used to in Texas. There were huge flashes of light making it seem, just for a moment, like daytime. And it was one flash after another, continuous for what seemed like hours. The wind was blowing so hard it felt like the RV was going to blow over on its side and the rain was pelting the side of the rig sounding like someone throwing rocks at me. The thunder just rumbled and grumbled in long, drawn out sound not like the big cracks and crashes in Texas.

Left North Platte about 9:30 am. As you get closer to Kansas the land begins to flatten out. I pass a large field of big sunflowers with their faces turned to the sun, looking like they’re watching me go by. Fields and fields of corn with the tassels all dancing in the morning breeze.

I slow down and pull over to let a car pass and he slows down behind me. He finally gets the idea and passes me. Why did he think I was slowing down in the middle of nowhere? Somewhere in Kansas there is something really BIG going on. I have never seen so many huge oversized loads taking up their lane and half of mine going down the road.

Have the windows open to let the cool air in. Sweet smell of new mown grass - they’re mowing along side the roadway. Makes you wonder why they bother out here in the middle of nothing but it smells sweet. Kansas doesn’t believe in wide shoulders - they must be at least two feet wide. Always makes me wonder where I’d pull over if I had engine problems.

Ooooh, what is THAT smell? Dogs go to full alert and start sniffing out the window. COWS! Lots of cows. Now you understand why they grow so much corn.

Sky is starting to look grey and ominous and I see some lightening up ahead. Gratefully I’m almost at Scott City State Park where I’m going to overnight. Nice park on Scott Lake. Got a little spit of rain while I’m hooking up then it clears a little. Take the dog for a walk down by the lake and they both go wading. We walk all around the park and both dogs head for the bed for a nap when we get back. Me, too.


Re: Smells and sights of Kansas

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:49 pm
by Bethers
Your descriptive writing is so wonderful - I can see it all. I hope you are able to sleep tonight without more lightening and thunder. An uneventful night would be good.

Re: Smells and sights of Kansas

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:57 pm
by Liz
Vivid mental (and olfactory) pictures again, Karen. Time to close the windows when you get near those feed lots! Looks like the dogs enjoyed their dip in the lake.

Re: Smells and sights of Kansas

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:01 pm
by Cedar518
Great description Karen! And those dogs sure do look happy wading in that lake!

Re: Smells and sights of Kansas

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:21 pm
by Getupngo
Feels like I'm riding shotgun ... love your descriptions. Nice traveling with you. :lol:

Re: Smells and sights of Kansas

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:31 pm
by avalen
oh wow, I want to wade in the lake too!!!

Re: Smells and sights of Kansas

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:34 am
by mtngal
Love your "word pictures" Karen. I dreamed about being at a lake after seeing your shot of the labs. Good travel today!