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Day Two - Nebraska

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:18 pm
by retiredhappy
So much for going to bed early last night. We had quite a thunder and lightening storm. Sassy is really afraid of them and wants under the covers where she pants so hard it shakes the whole bed. Believe me, you're not going to sleep until the storm passes.

Some glimpses of Nebraska: Rolling green hills. Some tinged with yellow from all the little sunflowers everywhere especially along side the roads. Small group of cows raise their heads and point their faces towards me watching me go by. A group of about six horses up to their bellies in sunflowers in the middle of a field. Lots and lots of small ponds reflecting the clouds with groups of ducks swimming placidly along. Don't see any ranch houses; only the gates over the driveway with signs telling you the name of the ranch. Miles of sandhills covered with grass. Never would of thought of Nebraska and sandhills in the same sentence.

Stopped in North Platte early - only drove about 3 hours. Wanted to go Christmas shopping at the Harley Davidson store next to the RV park in North Platte. Also, ordered a Domino's pizza for lunch. They deliver to the park and I haven't had one since I left Kerrville. Can anyone say "withdrawal symptoms?"

Sassy snoozing on the sofa, Buddy snoozing on the bed, making up for loss of sleep last night. Gonna go join them.

Re: Day Two - Nebraska

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:46 pm
by JanJer
Thanks for the discription Karen, sounds like a beautiful ride.


Re: Day Two - Nebraska

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:51 pm
by Liz
Enjoyed your "pictures" of Nebraska, Karen, especially considering there was no place to pull over and use a camera. Sometimes your mind's eye catches more details than a camera's lens.

Re: Day Two - Nebraska

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:42 pm
by Getupngo
Sounds like a perfect day on the road (if you could keep your eyes open! LOL!). Love the description of the passing scenery. That's the beauty of traveling in a MH.