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Eeeeyoooorreeee has left the building

PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:20 pm
by Getupngo
Interesting ... I have been on antidepressants for the last 10 years at least, and this week I ran out and was too busy to have the prescription refilled (everything in this sleeply little resort town closes at 6 p.m. -- including the grocery store!). Several days off the medication, I find I'm happy, chatty, and SINGING at work. That's after my crash-and-burn several days ago.

Go figure. Maybe I've been OVER-medicated and that's been part of my problem. Now, I've gone off my meds in the past and after a few months found myself in a black hole. But I'm gonna let this process run for a while and see how I feel -- the real, UNVARNISHED Janice. To be honest, looking at this and my last topic, I might also be a little bipolar (formerly called manic-depressive) ... we'll see.

Film at 11! :lol: :lol: :lol:

BTW, my Internet went belly-up a couple of days ago and I just got it fixed. Glad to be back.

Re: Eeeeyoooorreeee has left the building

PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:31 pm
by rvgrammy1953
Janice....glad you are feeling know, you maybe right and it sounds like to me you may need to have the meds. adjusted....I'm not one of the nurses here, but have experiences with family with this.....

I was wondering where you were.....glad the internet is up and going again for you.....


Re: Eeeeyoooorreeee has left the building

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:30 am
by Gentleladybear
Be very careful of going off your meds without talking with your doctor first. You might want to take a minute, call him, tell him the situation and get his advice. If the meds need to be adjusted he can do that at that time. But to go off suddenly, you might be placing yourself in jeopardy. Remember meds stay in your system for a few days after you stop them.

Take good care of yourself.


Re: Eeeeyoooorreeee has left the building

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:40 am
by avalen
so glad your feeling better Janice, I did what you did too but after a couple weeks
I started feeling crappy again and my doctor made me get back on my meds and
then reduce them. I did it that way and about two months later I was totally
good without meds. I was on Paxil for a good 15 years, called them my happy
pills. :lol: but, yes, I can live without them.
Good luck without your meds but be sure and recognize any symptoms you feel.

Re: Eeeeyoooorreeee has left the building

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:44 pm
by Getupngo
Yeah, I'm paying attention. It just feels so good not to feel drugged. I mean, really ... I've been actually rather stupid for a long time ... trouble focusing ... foggy. These last few days my mind has been sharp, I've been laughing and my sense of humor (and self-esteem) is back.

I actually have not liked that rather slow, self-conscious woman very much. This feels more like ME.

I'll continue to monitor.

Re: Eeeeyoooorreeee has left the building

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:52 pm
by Bethers
Good luck, Janice - I hope you can keep the you you want to be with you instead of the foggy you - that's great.

Re: Eeeeyoooorreeee has left the building

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:11 pm
by Getupngo
I'm actually still doing well. Smiling, feeling open and happy. I did find out one thing however ... my clumsiness is all my own -- can't blame the medications (darn it!).

I was walking my dogs in the neighborhood this morning when a big dog came trotting our way. When dogs approach, I always pick up the little Lhasa because Bandit (the corgi mix) would try to "herd" her away from his perception of danger, and Kiwi the Wicked would have none of that. So I'd have a dog-fight on my hands even before the "intruder" arrived.

So I picked Kiwi up and Bandit tripped me. Because I was holding a 10-lb dog, I had to fall to the asphalt in a way so that I didn't crush her. So I'm sore as heck right now. Now, you might say that wasn't my fault ... but a week ago I also kissed the pavement after my friend's new guide dog "edged" me over. Plus I've fallen several other times -- hard -- just this summer with no dogs in sight. Oh, heck ... I'm just over the edge. :lol:

Re: Eeeeyoooorreeee has left the building

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 6:04 pm
by Bethers
Janice, I'm knocking on wood - cuz I fall a lot - have injured myself in ways and places hard to explain - like when I fell and my CHIN hit the pavement. It's been awhile and I almost went down today and can't tell you how or why - so - crossing my fingers and knocking wood again - that it stays at almost for me for awhile - and goes there for you as well.