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More snake stories

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:15 am
by asirimarco
To answer a few questions. No need to be squeemish it's only words.
They make pretty good pets if they are handled regularly they don’t mind it They never get cuddly like a dog or cat and I don’t know if you can teach them anything – never tried. Also don’t come when called. We had pet snakes from the time Randy was 12 years old. He is kind of weird, Randy that is. There are a lot of weird Randy stories too. He is the 2nd of 5 boys.
Any way – I took a speech class in college (went late in life) and we had to write a persuasive speech – so my topic was “Snakes make great pets.” The are beautiful and clean. The eggs and babies sell for 100s of dollars, they don’t bark or make noise, don’t run away, don’t scratch furniture, etc, etc, and when they die you can make them into boots. So to demonstrate I had Randy bring Conan to the class. Very interesting reactions from the other students. At first some were up on their chairs, but by the time we left almost all had touched her. They were surprised she wasn’t slimy. I got an A :D and got to leave early.
Randy had and showed classic cars and he used to take her with him in the car. She would curl up on the passenger side floor and snooze. At the shows all the cars had the trunks and hoods open and all the windows down so people could admire them. It was funny to watch the guys come up strut around the car looking and them stick their head in the window to check the inside. Well when they looked down their head would come flying out the window – then they would carefully stick it a little way back in to make sure they weren’t seeing things. :o Then they would motion to their girl friend/wife or even buddy “Hey come over and look at the interior of this one.” The unsuspecting person would stick their head in and quickly come back out and hit the first guy. Eventually some girl would ask Randy to take Conan out so they could really see it.
One time he had her out and everyone was around looking when an older lady walked up with her teeny tiny dog in her arms. After watching a little while she put the dog down on the ground – Conan’s head came up moving from side to side and her tongue came out and flicked the air. Now the little dog saw her and started barking and straining on its leash to get closer. Oh, Oh! Randy very politely asked the lady to please pick up her dog. The lady’s reply – “It won’t hurt the snake.” Randy looked her right in the eye and said, “No but the snake might eat it.” She grabbed that dog, gave Randy a dirty look and huffed off in another direction. :x
Another time I was home when the phone rang it was Randy at another show. “Grab all the hair dryers and extension cords you can and get out her to the show.” “What for?” I asked.
“Conan is up under the dash of the car and I can’t get her out. I need the blow dryers to get her out.” So gather up we did and off we went. This escapade even made the evening news. The dryers worked and when he got home he built a mesh cover to seal off the underside of the dash

Re: More snake stories

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:54 am
by Redetotry
Great story and good job of persuasion but...I don't think I'll be shopping for a new pet snake any way soon! I had to laugh when you said it was always a girl that would ask for Randy to take the snake out for a closer look. I used to chase my brother when we were small with fishing worms and he would run because he thought they looked like baby snakes.

Re: More snake stories

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:16 pm
by Bethers
I smiled all the way through but laughed out loud at you having to come to the rescue with hair dryers and extension cords. No wonder it made the news. Great stories.