Traveling alone...

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Traveling alone...

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:22 pm

I am wondering how many of you travel by yourself? Those that do, do you get lonely, bored, etc.? Do you explore, hike, sightsee, etc, alone too? Or do you find someone at the campgrounds to do stuff with?
Just wondering...

Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby kelpie » Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:02 pm

I traveled alone over 6000 miles last year and did not get lonely, but then I seldom get lonely at home in my house alone. I did meet lots of nice people along the way and sometimes I did stuff with them. Occasionally, I wish there was someone to say "Ooh look at that" to but that is usually offset by the pleasure of doing everything my way and on my schedule. I did some hiking and some sightseeing also. The main reason I didn't do more is becaue I drive a Class C with NO toad so I have to weigh all much I want to see it vs how dificult it might be to get to or park a 29 ft vehicle or unhook everything just to see another tourist thing. I'd like to have another vehicle and I'm working toward that but there are few places I wouldn't go alone.
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:12 pm

I usually travel by myself unless I go fishing with my sister when she has a long week-end. My DH doesn't want to travel or camp. I joined the Texas chapter of RVing women so I would have someone to camp with and have made friends at the rallies. I would do more sightseeing if I had someone to travel with. When my kids were young we did a lot of traveling but I don't have enough money to bribe them to camp anymore. lol I think when my brother retires he and his wife would be interested in traveling but that's a few years off.

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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby Getupngo » Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:55 am

Hi Barbie! I am a solo RV'er & travel with my snotty little dogs. My mode of travel is to volunteer at a park or wildlife refuge, and live in the community for several months. I like to get to know an area and make friends. Then I usually go back. Two of the three places at which I am volunteering this year are return visits and I have FaceBook friends from those areas that I keep in touch with and am looking forward to seeing again.

I'm a little more social and find just bopping around traveling is a little lonely for me. Actually, now that I think of it, I haven't actually DONE that. When I'm behind the wheel, I'm usually heading to or from my volunteer gigs. Maybe I'll take some time to do some sightseeing/moseying travel this year. Unlike some of the women here, I really do miss having a partner in crime to travel with. Oh, well ... ;)

BTW, I DO tow a car, so once I'm set up I can grab the dogs (or not) and head out exploring. I did the MH-without-a-toad thing, and realized quickly that I need separate transportation. The first year I towed a trailer with a scooter on it.
Janice traveling solo in a 2008 Four Winds Windsport
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby Gentleladybear » Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:23 am

Barbara I usually travel alone. I don't find it lonely at all, I meet people talk with them, but when I go to do things it is alone. I make trips to Michigan and back, I have gone to Charleston SC several times, out in the panhandle of Florida, I am usually very comfortable being alone. You of course need to be aware of your surroundings, keep alert, but relax and enjoy yourself.
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby Cedar518 » Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:21 am

I have traveled alone, yet most of the time I have a friend who camps with me. My personality is such that I enjoy the time much more with companionship. I'm not afraid to be alone, I just enjoy it more to be able to talk about things we're seeing, laugh, etc. together. It really boils down to whatever each individual person prefers/is comfortable with. Like Nan and others have said, if you do travel alone just be aware of your surroundings.

Re: Traveling alone...

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:06 pm

Do any of you ladies carry anything to protect yourself? My SO wants me to have a gun but I hate guns and I understand they are illegal in some states and in Canada and Mexico anyways. Would rather have mace or something...maybe a big dog?

Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby mitch5252 » Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:26 pm

BarbaraRose wrote:Do any of you ladies carry anything to protect yourself? My SO wants me to have a gun but I hate guns and I understand they are illegal in some states and in Canada and Mexico anyways. Would rather have mace or something...maybe a big dog?


I travel with my friends, Smith & Wesson. Can't take mace into Canada. The only thing you can bring is bear spray and it has to be labeled as such. But if it'll down a bear, I think it'll down some bruiser wishing to do you harm.

They make personal tasers now, too (even come in pink). I'm thinking of getting one. I can practice on the little beast...

PS: Oh come on - I was just kidding...

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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby Getupngo » Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:57 pm

(SOAPBOX ALERT! SOAPBOX ALERT!) I don't want to start any NRA rants, but I have always hated guns & didn't like it when DH kept shotguns in the house. I know, guns don't kill people. People kill people. And a people used one of those shotguns to kill my DH.

So no, I don't pack.

But I think our worries about "traveling alone" (do men worry about "traveling alone?") are trumped up by our culture. Modern media builds rating points by frightening us and airing stories about all the "dangers" out there. We are told in a thousand little ways how unsafe we are in order to keep us in our "place."

My "place" is at the helm of my land yacht -- or anywhere else I want to be, doing whatever I want to do. ;) (END SOAPBOX)

But onto the issue of general safety on the road, I pay attention to my surroundings, am not naive about opening my door and I can always use my ignition key to leave if I need to (utilities connected or not!). I don't think being a woman has anything to do with being safe or unsafe. After all, wherever men go, their testosterone poisoning puts them at risk of invoking natural selection. :lol: :lol:
Janice traveling solo in a 2008 Four Winds Windsport
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:04 pm

I checked out that taser site and that looks very interesting. Costs $450 but worth it for peace of mind, if nothing else. The fact is men do prey on women and men are stronger, generally, than women, so we need some extra protection in that regard when out alone, especially at night. I just wouldn't feel good about having a real gun tho.

Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby mitch5252 » Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:07 pm

BarbaraRose wrote:I checked out that taser site and that looks very interesting. Costs $450 but worth it for peace of mind, if nothing else. The fact is men do prey on women and men are stronger, generally, than women, so we need some extra protection in that regard when out alone, especially at night. I just wouldn't feel good about having a real gun tho.


$450? My page shows $350. ? ? ?
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:13 pm

You're right Mitch, I was looking at the deluxe package. Just the taser itself is $349, so not quite so bad. I like the laser pointer for aiming. That would be very helpful. I like the red one!

Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby JanetA » Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:36 pm

when I go, I will be packing. Probably a pistol of some sort. My ex was a cop and my daddy was a hunter so guns do NOT scare me.. Rather me have one than the "other guy" As for going thru Canada.. I will check on that when I go. When I traveled w/ my ex, we always packed some sort of heat... and he was a karate guy but,,,one never knows. IF they make you uncomfy,, then DON't. To each his own. All advice given here is good, I feel. Take it or leave it, as you wish.

you are on the right track, tho, and I wish you happy trails!

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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby kelpie » Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:43 pm

A friend of mine insisted I get something for protection before I left on my trip last year so I got a purse size canister of pepper spray. it has never been out of the package in an upper cabient in my rig. I do have a dog which would do serious harm if anyone was trying to get me but I also agree with some of the other ladies. When traveling, just use the normal caution that you would use as a woman any other time.
and Eddie the wonder dog
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Re: Traveling alone...

Postby mitch5252 » Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:55 pm

Getupngo wrote:(SOAPBOX ALERT! SOAPBOX ALERT!) I don't want to start any NRA rants, but I have always hated guns & didn't like it when DH kept shotguns in the house. I know, guns don't kill people. People kill people. And a people used one of those shotguns to kill my DH.

So no, I don't pack.

But I think our worries about "traveling alone" (do men worry about "traveling alone?") are trumped up by our culture. Modern media builds rating points by frightening us and airing stories about all the "dangers" out there. We are told in a thousand little ways how unsafe we are in order to keep us in our "place."

My "place" is at the helm of my land yacht -- or anywhere else I want to be, doing whatever I want to do. ;) (END SOAPBOX)

But onto the issue of general safety on the road, I pay attention to my surroundings, am not naive about opening my door and I can always use my ignition key to leave if I need to (utilities connected or not!). I don't think being a woman has anything to do with being safe or unsafe. After all, wherever men go, their testosterone poisoning puts them at risk of invoking natural selection. :lol: :lol:

I obviously disagree, seeing that I carry a gun. But I more strongly disagree that "our worries are trumped up by our culture". I'll bet Meredith Emerson would strongly disagree, too, and would have wished to be packin' during those 3 days she was tortured by that madman before he killed her (beautiful young hiker murdered while hiking in Georgia mountains with her dog - JAN 2008. I don't know why, but that story has stuck with me since it happened.) (END SOAPBOX)

So, I guess I feel no one will ever know I have a gun unless they come my way looking for trouble.
Well, you ladies now will all know. But you'd never come looking for trouble.
Maybe Vickie, but certainly not the rest of you, and I can handle Vickie without a gun...
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