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Storm Edouard

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:36 pm
by AlmostThere
Beth, looks like another storm alert my be coming you way soon. Yikes!!! Keep alert!

Re: Storm Edouard

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:39 pm
by Bethers
So far it looks like we'll just get some rain (which we still need) - to bring more of the giant bloodsucking thirsty mosquitoes that are feasting on me :)

But, yep, I'm keeping my eye on the weather. And Jill needs to in LA also.

Thanks for watching out for me.

Re: Storm Edouard

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:21 pm
by oliveoil
Eat more garlic---or take garlic pills---- & those bloodsucking thirsty mosquitoes will leave you alone!!!!!!! :D

Re: Storm Edouard

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:43 pm
by Sunseeker
We will pay real close attention to the weather channel tonight. Drats...if it might screw up our travel plans, but more important are the lives it might effect!! Louisiana Coastal towns are pretty rehearsed now..hopefully..after all the mayhem and devastation from Katrina and Rita.

Both Martha (Acadianmom), and Sharlotte, (Marslet), are much further south than me. Keep checking in here regularly with us, o.k.?

If Beth eats any more garlic, the skeetos aren't the only things will leave her alone. (But at least you've got those pretty eyes)! Be safe girlfriend!

Re: Storm Edouard

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:44 pm
by oliveoil
If ya take the garlic pills-there is no garlic smell!!!!!!!! :D

Re: Storm Edouard

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:00 am
by Sunseeker
Morning Beth. Is Eduoard rearing his ugly head over by you, yet? And, BTW, isn't it spelled 'Edward'? Maybe that's the spanish spelling or something?

Still hot, sunny and humid here in my neck of the bayou.

Re: Storm Edouard

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:24 pm
by AlmostThere
Sorry I forgot our other sisters in LA. Will keep my prayers going for everyone in harms way.
Jill, I cut and pasted the name from MSN so if it's the wrong spelling, blame them!! :lol:

Re: Storm Edouard

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:29 pm
by Bethers
That's how they're spelling it - looks like the Spanish spelling to me.

Sunny and hot here also. Right now they're calling for rain here tomorrow - so Edouard is still not supposed to do more here than send us some possible rain. Hopefully it stays that way.

Re: Storm Edouard

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:34 pm
by Sunseeker
Oh Lenora, sweetie..I didn't mean to doubt you. I had also seen the spelling on T.V. and just wondered if they will do other hurricanes in names I maybe can't even pronounce..or obviously, spell, LOL. Glad you might get only rain ,Beth. Gosh, we sure could use some here. Can you hear my thirsty, rasping plea? It's so dry here the grass is crunchy.

Re: Storm Edouard

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:49 pm
by Cedar518
I would gladly send our rain your way,.... it's raining again,.... yes, AGAIN today! I have a bright yellow mushroom growing in my yard. I feel like i'm living in the bottom of a boot! No crunchy grass here,...just a jungle! ;)

Re: Storm Edouard

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 7:08 pm
by avalen
just watching the news on the storm, its expected to hit the Houston and Galveston
coastal area tomorrow morning. Batten down the hatches. Jill, your in Louisianna,
you getting any weather from the storm?

Re: Storm Edouard

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:31 pm
by Sunseeker
No, but thanks tho Ava. It's beautiful here tonight. I'm way up in the northwest corner...almost on the Arkansas border. I'm keeping a watchful eye on the portion of the state where Sharlotte, (Marslet) and Martha, (Acadianmom), are. They are south, closer to hurricane country. Beth and these ladies are most in danger. I rode out Katrina here. Makes me sound like a real survivor...fact is: all we got up here were the the thousands. It was good to know we could all help in various ways. It was so cool to see our community come together! The incredible sights on CNN frightened me as much as anything I've ever seen.

Re: Storm Edouard

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:38 pm
by Acadianmom
Edouard is almost directly south of me right now. We haven't even had any rain yet, it is just breezy. If it keeps going west we should be ok. Just hope it doesn't pick up speed before it makes landfall. It is predicted to go in on the upper Texas coast tomorrow. We will be watching the weather channel all night.


Re: Storm Edouard

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:50 pm
by Bethers
I hope it stays on it's current path, Martha - that will leave you and me safe :)

Re: Storm Edouard

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:07 pm
by Sunseeker
I'm watching along with you both. What a scary time of year! Keep checking in as time allows.