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Attorney jokes

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:01 pm
by oliveoil
You know every bad attorney joke you have ever heard------- well we met the attorney they were all made up about!!!!!!!!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:
Yes-- the attorney that we were referred to/----- to write up the contracts on our new home & close on the sale for us------is the one all the bad jokes were made up about !!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been one night mare after another with this man--------we were supposed to close on the sale of the home next Friday----- well Hubby called from work that the attorney called him at work & said- well I set the closing date for Monday at 2:30 PM-----& by the way there is NOT a "clear title" to the home----
Hubby said well we had set the date for next Friday- & why would we want to close on the sale IF there is NOT a clear title to the place---etc/etc/etc/etc-------
To make a really long story shorter----- we are going to try to have the owner of the home have the title released from his letter of credit from his bank--- so it has a clear title----- & we will get with the title company to make for sure all of this is done------ & set the closing time when we know we will be receiving a clear title!!!! All things the attorney should be doing himself!!!!!
The attorney had to rewrite the contract 3 times & still made mistakes & charged us a large amount- & now wants to close on a different date then the one set up first- & close without him dong the work he should do- & wants us to close without a clear title------
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: Now we have bought & sold property for years & this is not how it should go------- :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
But we have spent so much time & money with him-we just want to get it done correctly & get it over with!!!!!!! Not have to redo the process with some one else!!!!!!!!
I would greatly appreciate you prayers for all of this to fall into place & to go correctly & legally & so we will have no problems & the attorney to do his job correctly!!!!!!
And if you know any good attorney jokes ----please feel free to share them!!!!!!!!
I know once all of this is over it will be fine------- BUT---- I sure hope we are passing all of these tests the first time so we don't have to repeat them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Attorney jokes

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:19 pm
by Bethers
You've got my prayers. But - if he's not doing his job, and making all these mistakes, it might be costly for you to NOT change attorneys to make sure it gets done right. Just a thought.

As to the last couple houses I bought, the title was not clear until AT the closing - when the new title was put in my name LOL and, of course, not clear for me either, as I had a mortgage. The original mortgage holder doesn't give the clear title before the payment - which is at closing - in most states. That's why in some states closing is held at the title companies offices.

Good luck and happy closing!

Re: Attorney jokes

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:34 pm
by oliveoil
The "now" owner doesn't have a mortage either------- he had a line of credit useing the house---for his line of credit---& didn't have a mortage on it-- & we won't have a mortage--------we will be paying cash for it!
But the mortage should be released as----the owner doesn't have a loan or mortage on the house-but had a line of credit towards it----- & it should have been released & it was not---- as we told the attorney about it when we started the process!!!
He should have gotten the release done------but he didn't ------so we will------in Kansas the person closing on the sale always makes for sure all of that is done!!!!!! I guess the rules are different in Mo----- but from what we have heard the attorney is just not doing his job!!!!!!
We have closed at the title company also--- & IF we ever do this again-it will be at the title company again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Attorney jokes

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:23 pm
by retiredhappy
Until I moved to Texas I had never had to deal with attorneys on real estate. The title company or the mortgage company drew up the documents and one of those two were supposed to clear the title of liens, etc. Bought a house one time where the owners had replaced a furnace about 20 years before and the company had filed a workman's lien which never gotten released. The furnace had been since replaced, the old furnace company had gone out of business so no one to release the lien. What a nightmare. Mortgage company ended up having a judge declare the lien released. Worked for attorney for many, many years. Every joke ever written is true.

Re: Attorney jokes

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:53 pm
by oliveoil
Thanks Karen!!!
We have owned about 20 some businesses & I have lost count of how many properties-over the years but it has been a lot of them--as at one time we owned many rentals-------- & buying & selling seemed to be a breeze-----well this time it isn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll just be soooooooooooo releived when this one is over with & we have a clear title!!!!!
It has really been a learning experience!!!!!
In this area of Mo. all the people have just been so friendly & nice-& all the utility companies & insurance company- & storage building we rented from------ all the people in all the stores & our new neighbors--ALL have just been sooooooooooooo nice & really seem like really good & caring people------ but this lawyer has certainly tested our ability to remain cool & professional!!
Because he is any thing BUT!!!!!!!!!! He sure is getting prayed for a lot------ I have several friends on prayer chains that are all praying for him--------bless his little heart!!!!!!! :shock: :D

Re: Attorney jokes

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 6:42 pm
by carold
My father was and my son is an attorney. Keep them jokes coming. :lol: :lol: :lol: carold

Re: Attorney jokes

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 3:39 pm
by Cedar518
I sure do wish you lots of good luck with all of the details at the closing,... and with the title,... I'm not a praying person, but I'll be thinking strong thoughts on your behalf,.. and sticking pins in a "lawyer doll" for you! Hee hee.......

Re: Attorney jokes

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:12 pm
by oliveoil
Thanks girls!!!!!!