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i HATE clothes shopping

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:56 pm
by retiredhappy
Drove into Casper today to shop for something to wear to my daughter's wedding. First of all I hate to clothes shop but when did they stop making clothes for grownups? Everything had puffed sleeves. No one over 12 looks good in puffed sleeves. Went to Pennys, Macys, Target, Sears and some small shop. In all those stores only found one thing that was suitable. I could barely button most of the tops - apparently they were all made in Taiwan and those women don't seem to have anything on top - even the "extra large" wouldn't button. Thank heavens for the RVing lifestyle - shorts, jeans Tshirts.

Re: i HATE clothes shopping

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:02 pm
by Bethers
I used to hate clothes shopping. But now that I'm living in a warm climate, I love the sundresses - lose and easy - ah, just like this lifestyle! The problem is down here I constantly am seeing ones I want - and I have this rule, anything new in, something old out - hard, hard hard to keep that - but I'm struggling with it and pretty much maintaining it.

Re: i HATE clothes shopping

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:35 pm
by dpf
I absolutely despise shopping for clothes too...especially for special occasions clothes...wear them so seldom. I try to have at least one "marry 'em and bury 'em" garment that is currently in style in my closet. Have you ever tried Cold Water Creek? I can usually find something in their stock that I can tolerate. :) and I'm more of a jean and t-shirt type person.

Re: i HATE clothes shopping

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:15 am
by Echo
OMG don't forget the slinky hip hugging low cut jeans. And the tops that cut in under the boobs and flare out over your tummy. Just the thing to make a full figured woman look fuller? Or the big huge splotchy flowers and designs. OH WHAT WERE THEY THINKING OF????

Re: i HATE clothes shopping

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:31 am
by Cougarfan
I want to know why everytime I put clothes in my closet they shrink. Does this happen to anyone else? :o

When I hung my clothes on my treadmill, they never shrank.

I totally agree with echo, the dumb low cut jeans are NOT okay.

Re: i HATE clothes shopping

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:25 am
by NakedPupsAndMe
I hate shopping for clothes too! Only go when I have to. And I'm one of those yo-yo'ing weight ppl. I have a 100 lbs range I stay in! :lol: I have clothes from 6 to 26. When is your daughters wedding? I wish her much happiness & you good luck in finding something! :D :D

Re: i HATE clothes shopping

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:08 am
by asirimarco
Had to laugh when you said you went shopping in Casper- I went to high school there in the mid 50s - the only places in town to shop that we could afford were Pennys (where my Mom worked) and Montgomery Wards The rest of the stores downtown were pretty expensive. Luckily the public high school Natrona County High School had a uniform policy - black or navy blue slim skirts and white blouse. Two kinds of families in town then the oil owners and cattle owners and the oil and cattle workers. Stopped the competition.
We were there about 5 years ago and saw the new mall - town has grown a little.

Re: i HATE clothes shopping

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:14 pm
by oliveoil
I agree-------- can't find a good pair of jeans that fit correctly------- if I could find what I wanted I would not mind paying a good price----but I hate to pay high prices for low waisted cr#p!!!! I'm 5'8" & my inseam is at least 32" in flats------& most jeans I find have a 28" in inseam----- give me a break--- please!!!!!!!!! If I wear a shoe with a heel- I need at least 34" inseam!
And finding a good bra-------- that doesn't kill you----- & fits & does the job--- well I have not found any I like----- must be designed by a man!!!!!!!!
I like Cold Water Creek also-- & buy many of my clothes from their company!
I have as dfm says---- clothes to marry & bury them---------I also have a three piece black suit----that has a skirt & a pair of pants------& that comes in very handy in many cases!!!!!!
Good Luck-----I hope you find a nice dress for your daughter's wedding!!!!!!!

Re: i HATE clothes shopping

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:07 pm
by dpf
Cougarfan wrote:I want to know why everytime I put clothes in my closet they shrink. Does this happen to anyone else?: ) it really the closet? I've been blaming the dryer for years! :roll:

I've found the best place to buy jeans is Eddie Bauer or Lands End. They keep some of the basic styles year after year and I can always depend on the same sizing from style to style. At my age I'm not into the crack of my hinder showing when I sit down! And Eddie runs some pretty good sales if you keep an eye on their website. A good place to buy shoes is Sierra Trading Post....get expensive shoes at excellent prices...if they happen to have them in your size..things sell quickly so if you see something you like don't wait around...

Re: i HATE clothes shopping

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:53 pm
by Gentleladybear
Try shopping for clothes in a college town. If it isn't low cut, short and form fitting you can't find it. Cute clothes stop at size 12 anything large is black, grey or navy blue. No colors no styles.

I hate to inform the store buyers that I am not 16, size 6 and I don't wear "hip" clothes.

Please get with it and put out nice clothes for those who want to buy nice things at age 50 or above and certainly above size 12.

But we must also do something about the closet shrinking clothes, is there a place to buy a clothes stretcher?


Re: i HATE clothes shopping

PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:40 am
by Cedar518
I am also in the NOT 16 and NOT a size 6,.... and I have found CJ Banks to be a great store. Clothes for size 16 and up. Usually decent styles until this summer when they went a tad bizarre,... I'm a basic person,.. so garrish prints and odd colors just don't work for me.

Laura,.... your clothes are shrinking in the closet? hmmmm.... mine do too! maybe it's the lack or light,... but i left the door open and they still were shrinking,.... gotta figure this out! :lol: