can't believe what I did..... this morning I dumped the tank before I went to work,
cleaned it out, closed it and turned off the water on the flush king. All is well.
I also pulled out two big brown paper shopping bags full of brand new yarn, and one
small plastic one of left over balls of yarn, and since I didn't have time to put them
away I set them in the bathtub, closed the door and went off to work.
Fast forward to coming home from work, its hot and I get the bottle of water out
of the fridge for a cold drink, empty it and turn on the kitchen faucet to run the
water til its cool so I can refil my bottle. All fine and dandy, but then its time to
run to the bathroom and what do I find but a tub full of water with yarn floating
in it. what the hey? The only one dry was the plastic one which was on
top. All the new yarn was soaked!!! The water was clean so I put each one carefully
in a hand towel and set them in my washer, turned on the spin cycle and spun them
out. This took 3 loads to accomplish all the yarn. Some of you probably know what
it was that caused this, but for those that don't...... when you dump the
black tank, you close the grey tank. So, when I finished with the black tank I forgot
to open the grey tank
All my new yarn (from a lady at work) is saved! and almost dry already.
I know everybody forgets something on occassion but how many of you can tell on
yourself? I'm not ashamed to say I was an idiot this morning, cause I sure was!!