This DSL is slower than dial-up right now, but at least I am ON!
My firewood came, and I took a couple of shots of it in the rain before I went to mail some checks at the post office.
Twitch with his new scratch pad loaded with catnip! Drunk kitty!
My original tent cot----perfect for camping in the back of a pickup or anywhere, for that matter. I have a new one coming that has a rounded roof, so I and Molly will be able to sit up in it! I can't WAIT to see it. It comes with a full rainfly and carrying case. The entire thing folds right down flat.
Can you tell I am bored out of my tree with all this rain??? The sun is actually trying to come out now, so I am off to pick wild strawberries in my unmowed section of my lawn. If I find any, I will takes pics of those, too!
Mess of wild strawberries------all about as big as wild blueberries.
Closeup of my berries.
Another closeup.
Wild strawberry daquiri!!