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Postby bluepinecones » Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:48 pm

It has been a very challenging couple of weeks around here. Won't bore you with all the details but it's like Murphy's Law in overdrive - just about whatever could break has done so lately.

One incident was very scary. I have sleep apnea which requires that I use a breathing device known as a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) in order not to stop breathing in my sleep. Have been using the device for about three years. I awoke gasping and dizzy. Thinking maybe the power had been off and it had failed to reset, I tried to turn it back on before I realized the only thing I could smell was burning electrical wires. I yanked the mask off and reached to unplug it; sparks went everywhere starting a small fire. I got Nicky outside and the fire out without having to call fire department. Minimal damage to carpet but the smell was awful. I was really lucky the whole house didn't go up in flames. I have a new CPAP but am uncertain yet about insurance coverage. I also have temporarily moved to another bedroom. Again very fortunate and thankful to have the option of sleeping elsewhere, tho I miss my bed.

After so many rounds of hail this spring, roofs have taken severe beating. Rental property and my house are in need of new roofs. Haven't got that started yet.

Have had to replace my cell phone too. Between that, hearing aids and streamer device, and CPAP, I am feeling technologically overwhelmed. Have finally got everything programmed to at least minimal functionality. Think I have more new manuals than Carter has little liver pills. Not to mention a lot less money!

So far I have not encountered another snake in the yard but am being careful about where I step and when letting Nicky out. Not sure why, but there have been an unusually high incidence of people reporting snake problems recently in several areas of town. I'm hoping they have all gone to visit somewhere else.

Need to do a bit more catch up on reading about what has been going on with all of you. More later; I have missed you and following your adventures.
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Postby VickieP » Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:56 pm

Welcome back! I had just mentioned in another post that I was wondering where you were. You certainly have had a rough couple of weeks, thankfuly you have came through it and now can look back and do what is necessary to get things back in order. We shall overcome! You can do this, women are powerful! (just a little pep talk, I know I need one sometimes). I may be new and just learning some of you, but when my brain is working I can figure out who's missing. Good to see you back :D
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Postby Nasoosie » Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:27 am

And here I thought you had gone on the road camping somewhere! The scariest part of your story is the CPAP machine fire, for thankful you woke up before the house burned down around you. All the rest of the things can be replaced, in time (and with insurance monies, I HOPE)

Perhaps you have already, but, if not, you should let the manufacturer of that CPAP machine know what happened, and that you and others could have burned up. I am thinking it deserves a nice chunk of money to pay for the other things that need repair! Scary, scary, scary.

Here's hoping the next few weeks go better for you all in that stormy area, and that the weather will allow roof repairs. Stay in touch, and I hope you can get back to your own bed before too long! VERY good to hear from you.
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Postby Gentleladybear » Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:54 am

So the CPAP machine itself was on fire? Do you know why yet? Which one of the machines do you have? I am asking because I also use one and so does my son. I never even thought about these machines catching fire.

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Postby Cedar518 » Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:01 am

Wow, Blue,... you certainly have had a lot of problems. I hope things are going better now. Try to deal with one at a time,... if you look at the whole mountain it will seem overwhelming. I wish you lots of good fortune from here on out,.....


Postby mitch5252 » Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:47 am

Man, that's some set of stories! I'm sorry you're having to go through all this, especially the fire. That is really scary. Well, snakes in the yard ain't no laughin' matter, either! I'm not that far away from you (I think), if you need any help...I can drag along my sweetie if we need a little more strength...

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Postby Sparkle » Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:53 am

Sarah, I can't wait for you to get out on the road with an RV! Such interesting things happen to you. Although I'm sure you'd rather your life was a little less interesting. :D Was it the machine itself, or your wiring? A friend of mine is getting one next week...I wonder how many people need those things, and what is wrong with our environment to cause this. The guy whose getting it doesn't, and has never, smoked. Off the thread, but I was wondering if anybody else had heard that margerine is just one molecule away from plastic? I'm not sure if I believe it, but I think I'll buy butter from now on just in case.
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Postby carold » Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:34 am

Wondered where you had gone-hoped the interesting part was going to be a little different than what it turned out to be. Glad to hear it ended well. I wondered also if the problem was in the device or your wiring. Inquiring minds want to know. Sparkle, I 've never been a fan of margarine and eventually switched to Smart Balance. However, it doesn't melt well and I miss the butter. DH if all for switching back to butter-he thinks all the other stuff has too many chemicals. So, since I use olive or canola oil for cooking, we're switching back to the real thing baby. :D carold
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Postby Nasoosie » Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:43 pm

Don't forget, Sparkle-----males are but one little piece of a chromosome away from females, too! OH, but the DIFFERENCE!!!!
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Postby avalen » Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:29 pm

oh my goodness, so glad your ok, a friend of mine uses one of those machines,
what brand was it, I'll have to give him a heads up if its the same brand.
Don't worry about the snakes unless they are poisonous kind, they will keep the
rodents away, but I hate snakes too, just not afraid of them. But then I've
never came face to face with a rattler, so that would be a story all its own.
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Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:20 pm

Nasooie....yes small differences can make BIG results!!!!!
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Postby Sparkle » Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:22 pm

Viva la differaunce! Of course God just practised on the Male, then he perfected the plan. :lol:
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Postby bluepinecones » Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:34 pm

Happy to report things might be looking up for the week. Day is almost over and nothing else has broken yet - that's a big positive already.

For those who asked about the CPAP, it was a ResMed Compact with humidifier. It worked perfectly for a little more than 3 1/2 years and I used it every night. It appears that the motor burned up causing a short in the plug that connects into the back. Sleep Clinic tech said it could have just worn out or it might have been possible that the air intake became stopped up (I doubt that as I kept the filter clean). ResMed is one of the major makers of such devices and from what I can tell, has a good reputation.
My house wiring was not damaged but to be sure, I flipped the breaker to that part of the house off for 24 hours and periodically checked the wall around outlet for hot spots.
The replacement machine is by Respironics. I got a surge protector with a trip switch to put between it and the wall outlet so if ever another problem, it will cut off. I like the newer one better because it has a power switch on the unit; the old one did not. The latter had to be plugged/unplugged as means of turning it on/off. That was poor design if you ask me. The new one also came with a DC adaptor ; old one did not.

Sparkle, I have been watching ads for RVs but so far everything listed locally is much bigger than I might want. With as many freaky things that seem to be drawn to me over the past few years, getting an RV might not be one of my better ideas (sure don't want to make the world unsafe for the rest of you). Not quite ready to throw in the towel yet but my fall back plan is to travel and settle for staying in motels. No where near as much fun as it sounds like you ladies have but at least I'd still get to travel.
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Postby Sparkle » Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:40 pm

That sounds like a plan. Then if you find you really like to travel a Class B may just pop up when you need it. Don't worry about us on the road, just let us know where you will be so we can take evasive measures if neccesary. :lol:
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Postby mitch5252 » Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:10 pm

Nasoosie wrote:Don't forget, Sparkle-----males are but one little piece of a chromosome away from females, too! OH, but the DIFFERENCE!!!!

Don't forget, men are also just a tiny, little chromosome or so away from apes...


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