Going to be gone for awhile....
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:43 pm
Okay, so we're heading out tomorrow for our summer campground in Pa......now normally, I would be chatting with you all along the way....and of course, when we get all settled too....but this year it's a little different....we arrive on Friday at the cg....then Sat. I'll be driving even farther north to care for my Mom while my sister and her hubby go for a 30th wedding anniversary trip.....and may not be able to get online...I'll try, but since I didn't write down my password here, well, you know....but will try..... Anyways, I should be back at home base on May 10th...so will check in then, if not before....Ernie, of course, will have the laptop with him in the 5er.......so you all take care...and I'll be back soon....