Just learned a long time member of another group I've been in for well over 20 years has died rather suddenly. Thankfully her daughters were able to get on her Facebook page amd let us know. When Mel was deep in his cancer battle, I felt compelled to update our wills and consult with an attorney. Mel did not want to- who wants to face their own mortality? So I dragged him, and ended up correct, getting it all done, signed, notarized and in a binder, brought us both peace and ability to focus without worry, on the day to day. A very important thing our attorney pointed out and made sure was done and complete, was a special Cyber will. It outlines our executors right to access any and all online accounts and data. Without that, a company, such as Facebook, may require copies of will , a judges order or action on settlng will, etc to give the executor the right to alter, lock, or close an account of any type , be it Facebook or other. I highly recommend you have your attorney for your will add the document for all things cyber to your will. If they say, oh you don't need it, find a new attorney, as I've read just recently, not all attorneys, ESP older ones, even realize how critical this could become in protecting your estate, be it small or large. It's simply a good tool to have in effect and if part of your trust, does not mean kids can step in and just take over, as it requires either your death or a court order of your incompacitation to execute the provisions. It was not easy sitting contemplating that day, but I know it's all in order for my son, when that day comes.