mtngal - How was night 1?
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:20 am
Diana, We need some follow-up reports on night one in your new "named yet?" MH. My photo below is night one in 'birdie's egg'. Spent it in Van Horn, TX on my way to Las Cruces. Terrible campground, but then what did I know about camping and campgrounds or what to do or not do. I keep learning every trip out and you will too. It becomes one of those, I don't do that again...better make a note in the idiot book. (idiot book is instruction book for all things in the egg.)
But speaking of wine, I found a bottle of Happy Camper wine in the Toucan store in LC and bought that and christened my camper on my second overnight. Had to keep the bottle Probably should buy a couple 3 or 4 cases and then send to sistahs that come into life! So come on and tell all
But speaking of wine, I found a bottle of Happy Camper wine in the Toucan store in LC and bought that and christened my camper on my second overnight. Had to keep the bottle Probably should buy a couple 3 or 4 cases and then send to sistahs that come into life! So come on and tell all