Resize Photos

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Resize Photos

Postby monik7 » Wed Jan 05, 2022 9:31 pm

Since it was mentioned recently about resizing photos smaller, I thought I would post about an app I found. When I first put my pups’ pic at the end of my postings, I thought it was too big. I looked in the App Store on my iPhone and found an app that worked very easily. You can select how much you want to reduce the size of any of your existing photos by just sliding the ruler to the left and then save it to your library. It does not delete your original photo. You just save the new, smaller size and are left with the original size photo and the smaller one.

Here’s an example:



Reduced Size:


Even Smaller:


Below is the app from the Apple App Store. If I can do this anyone can - as long as you have an iPhone I guess. I would think there might be something similar for other brands of phones.


Bindi (Maltipoo) and Abby (Shih Tzu/Poodle)

"Without the animals men would die of a great loneliness of the spirit." ~ Chief Seattle
“A dog can change the way you see the world.” ~ Anyone who has a dog
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