Thanks for posting this info, Velda. I might try it, although the current rate of my hair loss seems about normal.
As I have gotten older, I have found that I have to be very cautious when taking any kind of "supplements". I tried taking Omega 3 a while back, and by about four hours later I began to have severe pain in the lower abdomen. Couldn't believe the Omega 3 was causing this (had never had this kind of discomfort in the past) so tried again a few days later. Same thing happened, only worse the second time. So the Omega 3 went into the trash.
I have been taking glucosomine/chondroitin for several years, which seemed to help with my (mild) arthritis. Over the years I had noticed that my heart would skip a beat or two, now and again. The way I could tell is because I have tinnitus, and the "sound" of the tinnitus "pulses" with my heartbeat. Mostly I ignore the tinnitus, because it is annoying. However, if I pay attention to the tinnitus, I can actually "hear" my heartbeat!
So I can "hear" if my heart is not going along as it should (when I hear my heartbeat "pause", which it will do for many alternate beats) I take my pulse, and this "skipping" is definitely there.
Lately, I had been upping my glucosomine "dosage" to the "recommended dose" (previously I had always taken far less than the recommended dose).
Also, lately, I had been noticing this random skipped heart beat thing to be increasing.
Finally, I put two and two together (I can be slow about such things!), did a couple of Google searches, and found that glucosomine is known to cause "heart palpations" (skipped heartbeat) in some people.
Have now stopped with the glucosomine, but wondering what to do for my arthritis instead.