Why? And what is it with women???
What is the mental block that afflicts us when it comes to buying underware? Why is it that about the last thing we buy for ourselves is underware??? We buy all kinds of other stuff to wear. Is it because it's hidden? No one sees it? So that it's not a show off item? Now I know that the young girlies will buy sexy under things. But that does seem to go out the window after ya have been married for awhile. And good heavens after ya have kids??? You know that you'll probably never see sexy after that!!!
God forbid ya end up with big boobs!! I have the conviction that the designers of bras have no concept of big and sexy. If a bra is built big you can pretty much resign yourself to utilitarian. Oh they make bras in large sizes with lace so that they look pretty. But pretty and sex big bra means for the most part useless. And underwire!!!!! OMG!!! NOT on my full sized frame!!! ~sigh~
Bought a new bra last weekend. Oh I was happy, it's my size and lacy. Very pretty bra and it made me feel feminine to buy it. Ahhhhh maybe at last I have found the one. It's a Playtex 18hr bra too.
I took my shower and thought "Ah Ha" I will finally wear my new bra. Well ya should have seen me putting the damn thing on. Good Grief. I am so use to putting a bra on with the hooks in the back and simply reaching around and hooking the thing up. Not this bra. Had to put it on backwards and do up the hookers in the front. Then came the twisting it around so that of course the cups are in the front where they belong and are suppose to do the most good. Thought I was gonna scrape the hide right off my ribs fighting to get that thing twisted around. Then came to getting the straps up onto my shoulder. Have any of ya'll tried to get a straight jacket on by yourselves??? And not just get it on but done up all nice and neat the way it's suppose to be??? I finally got the damn straps up on my shoulders after hearing some pops and snaps. Thankfully I believe it was only stitching? Because I'm not in acute pain.
But pain??? Well extreme discomfort!!! This thing feels like a straight jacket. 18hrs??? HA!!!!! I will be lucky to last 8hrs?
Maybe less????
I think I'm gonna go back in the bedroom and grab one of my old bras and take it to work with me.
I dread the thought of trying to get this torture device off while standing in those tiny stalls at work.......
I would love to get ahold of the designer of this lacy bra. I can just bet it wasn't a freaking woman. Unless she's into S & M!