Newest from Mexico

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Newest from Mexico

Postby asirimarco » Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:11 am

Bill is back in the hospital in Mazatlan. Different hospital this time, a brand new fancy one. We thought he was having a heart attack Monday morning. Turns out he was having a gall bladder attack. But his heart got a really good check over and doctors said it is working great no sign at all of problems. He had stents put in during the summer so we were worried. Any way turns out he has gall stones and gall bladder is inflamed. So much so doctors told him he probably wouldn't make it if we tried to drive home before taking care of problem. So this morning he is scheduled for surgery - On Jan 1 our insurance changed - of course we didn't know as all our mail is in a mail box in Vegas. They now will reimburse us when we get home with all the paper work. OR they will pay the bill about six weeks from now when red tape is submitted to them. iSo we have to pay hospital our selves before they will release him. OMG. I pictured having to sell the motorhome, car and myself {Hum that might be a minus] here to bail him out. But thankfully the bill will be under US$10,000 Includes everything. hospital stay, surgery, all doctors etc. At home it costs that much to walk in the front door and say Hi.
So in a little bit I'll go over there to be with him. Then probably come on home when he is back in his room and asleep. Hopefully we'll have Internet so I can update here.
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Re: Newest from Mexico

Postby Pooker » Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:04 am

Oh, Carol, so sorry to hear about Bill, but glad it isn't his heart. You sure are having more than your share of worries this year. It's good that there's a new hospital but hard to deal with the stupid insurance thing when you are already dealing with a full plate. I'm sure everyone here will be thinking of both of you and praying that all goes well. We'd sure hate to see you have to sell yourself! Hang in there and keep us posted.

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Re: Newest from Mexico

Postby JudyJB » Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:47 pm

Will be waiting to hear from you about how the surgery went. Hope they are doing it via laproscopy.
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Re: Newest from Mexico

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:59 pm

All up here thinking of you and Bill. Hope he gets relief soon and can heal quickly. Take care of yourself so you can be there for yourself and when he needs you
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Re: Newest from Mexico

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Jan 16, 2019 3:17 pm

Carol the exact same thing happened to my neighbor a couple months ago. He was having pain, sweaty, dizzy. Called 911 he went to the hospital and they checked his heart over and over as he is 85, takes NO meds, walks 1-2 miles every morning at O dark thirty, before I am even up.
When his doctor came in he showed him that the pain was under his right side rib....ding ding ding. Had an ultrasound and MRI then surgery to remove the gallbladder. I picked him up the next day and he has been great ever since. So I am sure Bill will also have a quick recovery. Oh yeah and his bill was like $50,000 for 4 days in the hospital, anesthesia, and all the other consulting doctors and labs. So you be getting off cheap LOL

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Re: Newest from Mexico

Postby snowball » Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:26 pm

I remember when I had mine out hurt so bad and was really glad that they took it out so quickly then after I healed I felt so much better so must not of been feeling well for awhile and just didn't know it. I am hoping this will be the case that he will feel lots better...
looking at those numbers that Karen gave hmmm really need to get supplemental insurance 20% of that is still a grundle of money
take care and don't let him over do
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Re: Newest from Mexico

Postby Bethers » Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:37 pm

Hoping to hear good news soon. Hugs to you both.
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Re: Newest from Mexico

Postby JudyJB » Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:46 pm

Sheila, you need to RUN to the phone and sign up for a supplement immediately!! In 2006, I had my right knee replaced, plus spent an extra 13 days in the hospital for a total of $140,000!!! Even in 2008, my right knee replacement cost $60,000 for only four days in the hospital. I paid $300 for a copay in those days because I had excellent insurance. A stroke or a heart attack that includes a few days in the hospital these days could cost $200,000 - $300,000 each. 20% of that stroke or heart attack is $40,000 - $60,000 or even more. Can you afford that??

One of my fellow teachers who is in his early 60s, has had two very bad knees that need to be replaced, but he is not old enough for Medicare and is working multiple part-time teaching jobs, so no insurance. He is managing with a cane and walker (at times) but is in a lot of pain. You don't want to have to go without something like that because you cannot afford the copay.
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Re: Newest from Mexico

Postby asirimarco » Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:22 am

Glad to let everyone know the surgery went fine. According to the doctor he'd never seen such a large inflamed gall bladder, full of puss and stones. They did manage to get it out laparoscopic way. Bill reacts really bad to anesthesia takes him a long time to shake it and makes him really sick. In states they give you something before surgery to help with the nausea - either he didn't tell them he gets sick or they don't give it.
Went to see him last night - about 4 hours after surgery. he was still out of it - just groaning, complaining about being sick and wanting to kill doctor. When he couldn't see me - he quit groaning and went back to sleep so I left. So now the fun begins when I bring him back to RV. He was feeling bad for a long time but neither of us thought of gall bladder. So will go see him this morning and hope he is better. Our Internet is off and on, mostly off except for very early morning. So will try to keep updating.
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Re: Newest from Mexico

Postby avalen » Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:26 am

Glad he's on the mend, thanks for the update
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Re: Newest from Mexico

Postby Bethers » Thu Jan 17, 2019 11:19 am

I've always had trouble with anesthesia, also. But it's improved with the smaller amounts etc. And I always tell them. I laughed when you said he quit complaining when he couldn't see you. Not funny to you at the moment, though, I'm sure. Hopefully those effects will have lessened considerably this morning so that he can come home and feel better. Although maybe a little after effect to make him stay home and allow himself to heal wouldn't be bad, either.
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Re: Newest from Mexico

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Jan 17, 2019 11:36 am

Glad to hear he is really doing well. I too dont do well with anesthesia. When I had my hyster a few years ago I had to stay another day as I couldnt quit throwing up....AND I had the scopolamine patch prior to surgery and something in the IV. Nope just had to wear off. I did go home the next day after I could tolerate breakfast. So hoping Bill feels better soon.

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Re: Newest from Mexico

Postby asirimarco » Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:23 pm

Saw him and the doctor a couple of times today. He is doing well for as complicated as the surgery was with all the scar tissue in the way. He got up and walked around the bed a few times, but still won't eat anything. He will not be coming home tomorrow - I hope. His drain tube is still leaking a lot - don't want to take care of that in the RV.
Doctor explains things very well, good bedside manner. Hopefully tomorrow he'll feel a little better and get hungry.
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and caring. I am so glad we didn't leave this RV park and go any where else. Have lots of friends here to count on.
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Re: Newest from Mexico

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:51 pm

Glad Bill is getting good care and glad he is staying until all is well. So good you have support in the RV park that sure helps. Take care of yourself too.

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Re: Newest from Mexico

Postby asirimarco » Fri Jan 18, 2019 7:36 am

the support from here is a great help too. bill kind of got mad when he found out I'd told everyone he was in hospital. but it helps me to handle it to know that other know. don''t know how to explain that. I guess I don't feel so alone and helpless when I hear from other people. Many many thanks every one
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