Leisure Travel Van - questions for anyone with this rig...

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Leisure Travel Van - questions for anyone with this rig...

Postby bghouse » Sat May 06, 2017 11:30 am

As I keep trying to narrow down my choice in RV, I had to look again at what started me down this journey a couple of years ago - which was a video by Dean from Leisure Travel Van with the Murphy Bed model (think it was the unity). When I went to the site - I learned about the Wonder (HELLO Murphy Bed)....

I just love the murphy bed layouts, as I believe that would be the best option for me to keep that sense of space, but have room to work on my computer and then not have to play a game of tetris setting up sleeping every night.

BUT, I had been just about convinced from reading other forums to NOT have the diesel.

So, for those with these LTVs - how is it living with diesel? Do you find diesel readily available everywhere? I had a diesel car as my first car back in 1985, and barely remember the experience - although I know times have dramatically changed.

Can you get your LTV easily into the stations that have diesel? Is it loud when driving or is the generator super loud?

Is it truly more expensive and more difficult for all maintenance or repair issues?

And then - does anyone have one of the murphy bed models with any thoughts to share? Any other thoughts on LTV in general?

Thanks in advance!
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