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Tessalon Perles Warning - Or read the instructions!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:25 pm
by JudyJB
I just figured out something by actually reading the online instructions for a medication I have been taking as needed for over two years. I had an experience the other night that could have been dangerous because I did not read instructions carefully.

I have asthma and do a lot of throat clearing and coughing, especially after I have had a bit of a cold. I always feel like I have sinus drainage. So my allergist and my internist have given me prescriptions for these Tessalon Perles. They are little golden capsules filled with a liquid that looks a lot like a vitamin D capsule.

Anyway, a few nights ago, I had a rough night because it felt like I had something stuck in my throat all night and maybe as if I had acid reflux, which I also occasionally have. But this was a little scary because it felt like I could not get rid of this stuff. Very strange feeling, like not being able to swallow stuff all the way down. (And of course I am imagining all sorts of horrible things.) So today, I happened to be looking up these pills online and also discovered that the bottle says to take with food. OK, a lot of pills say that and I am in the habit of pretty much ignoring that rule.

The online web site pointed out that the reason you are supposed to take these food is serious because they numb your throat or esophagus if you do not get them all the way down!! People have almost choked to death because they could not swallow. :o I have been taking one at night and am really lazy about taking them with food and a lot of water. One article said they are more dangerous than codeine cough syrup, so to keep them locked up. I am going to continue to take them, but with a lot of food and water from now on!!!

Re: Tessalon Perles Warning - Or read the instructions!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:39 am
by retiredhappy
Yep, when all else fails, read the directions. I'm pretty guilty of this too.

Re: Tessalon Perles Warning - Or read the instructions!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 10:42 am
by bluepinecones
Thank for the warning. I'm bad about not reading the medication inserts - mainly because if you look at all the potential side effects it makes one hesitant to even consider taking the meds.

Re: Tessalon Perles Warning - Or read the instructions!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 11:34 am
by JudyJB
The thing is that usually those warnings to take with food are because a medication can upset your stomach, and mostly that never happens to me. It never occurred to me there could be other consequences. I will now be a lot more careful about how I take pills, especially ones that I have never taken before.