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Missing person

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 6:51 pm
by bluepinecones
There was once a most amazing, energetic and well organized woman that inhabited this body. She could work 16 hour days and still find time to cook, clean, garden, visit and play. Everything was always neatly organized and tasks were accomplished on time. Then one day, without even a good bye, she disappeared.

I want her back and I want her now. True she would have to settle for a much worse body than she was accustom to having back then, but age makes some of us have to accept at least a few unpleasant compromises. Hummmmm, perhaps she could just come back for a visit from time to time.

She has always been very camera shy so finding a photo to share was a major challenge. In fact, I found only one. Tho faded with time (think it was from 1976), it is posted below to aid in my search.

PLEASE ladies, your help is needed. If you should encounter her along one of your journeys, please send her home. I miss her.


Re: Missing person

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 6:54 pm
by Bethers
And who is accompanying this missing lady?

Love the pic, btw.

Re: Missing person

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:01 pm
by bluepinecones
The furry little guy is Bud. He lived with her for a bit more than 18 years bringing much fun and joy into her life. Bud was always happy to see her come home.

Re: Missing person

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:07 pm
by Mollysmom
I think the trick is not to look for the missing person, but to embrace the one that's with you now. Not easy though !!!
I love the picture, where does the time go ???
(that sort of rhymed ! )

Re: Missing person

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:21 pm
by Paulette
Ya know what, Ithink basically she is still there, inside. She just doesn't look the same anymore, but she is basically the same...maybe older and wiser? I knew a similar type person years ago myself. Do I miss her? Yeah, sometimes. Other times, I wouldn't go back there if you paid me!

Like Trudy said, embrace the woman you have become. (Yes, lots easier said than done some days.)

Re: Missing person

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:36 pm
by Sparkle
You know something, she's still in there! She just got cocooned in the problems of life...most of them other people's. I say, FREE SARAH! LWT SARAH LIVE!

I seem to remember a really pretty face went with that picture, where did it go?

Re: Missing person

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:49 pm
by Cedar518
I think the woman in the photo may be on the run with my own younger self,.... it's all a conspiracy, right? :D

Re: Missing person

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:19 pm
by Lotus
I think there are other people missing!! Carolyn (Sunshinecruiser) and I had barely started moving boxes this morning in preparation for her moving sale, and I was panting! We've helped each other with several moves over the years, and each one I could tell a difference in myself! Her last was about 5 years ago, and mine was about 9 to 10 years ago. (Carolyn may not remember much of her move 5 years ago as she had major surgery and was on pain meds! Man, I got some really nice things during that move!! And she still doesn't miss them.....don't tell her I said so!!) I told her today we looked like two little 'ole ladies working!! But we got much done!!

Becky (Lotus)

Re: Missing person

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:40 am
by BirdbyBird
Ah, the missing energy/person issue. Somedays I admit that I have to move on and just make a new friend with the person I found. But in the back of my mind, I also keep thinking what if Oprah W is right! What if some of what we and our doctors accept as "normal" for "our age" are hormonal imbalances that can be changed. What if we don't have to accept all of this numbing down of our mind and body? No I haven't spent the medical $$ to seek out a specialist but I would sure like to know for sure.....sigh. Has anyone explored the issue?

Re: Missing person

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:14 am
by Sparkle
BirdbyBird wrote:are hormonal imbalances that can be changed.

Isn't this getting into the American way of "a pill for everything?" I think we have to go through our ups and downs. We were talking on another thread how a song from our past can make us cry while we're driving. Yet the other day a song came on that meant so much to me and I was overwhelmed with gratitude that I had DH in my life for those years. If I was on Prozac or something I would have sailed on through both those extremes of emotion. We are bombarded every day with, be young, be thin, be rich. I have to accept I'm old, getting chunky and definately not rich. My philosophy, stated before, is "Life is a chicken, grab it by the neck and squeeze until it lays you the egg you want."
I hope this isn't too heavy. I have to go, I have a chicken to catch. :lol:

Re: Missing person

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:01 am
by Cedar518
I love that saying,...... my hands are getting sore from squeezing,... but I refuse to let go!

Re: Missing person

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:30 pm
by Mollysmom
I love that saying Sparkle !
It's really hard to accept the "older me" sometimes - my joints hurt so much some days !! But you know, I just keep going !! I take a day or two off now and again to recover, but I refuse to let it stop me from seeing what I want to see and doing what I want to do. i know that someday I physically won't be able to do certain things, so for now I'll just take an Aleve or two and keep plugging along.
I'm just shocked that there are people here that don't do anything !!! They sit in their trailers and don't do a dang thing - what a sad life. I'm enjoying pushing myself (most of the time) I'm finally living, not just existing. I do wish I hadn't wasted so much of my youth, but I can't change that so as my Mom used to say "Onward ever, Backward never" oh and i have this Will Rogers saying hanging on my wall "Don't let yesterday use up too much of today"
Enjoy today !!

Re: Missing person

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:31 pm
by Sparkle
That's one of the reasons that I love this Forum. If I haven't done anything interesting, then I had better get out there and do something so I have something to post. Carol is carrying us all along on her trip, but when she's home someone else will be out there, seeing something that makes them think, Oh, I'll have to show the Ladies of the Forum. I think we've all done things, from learning to handle our rigs, to taking and posting photos, that are driven by the thought, well I had better learn, or what will the Forum say? :roll:

Re: Missing person

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:56 pm
by bluepinecones
Thank all of you for the great reminders and wisdom.

I'm about over my pity party but still a bit POed that ghost didn't pop in to at least finish the taxes and clean house. Oh well, I'll get over that too. Amazing what 2 or 3 sleepless nights does to ones mind. Fortunately, last night was better.

Have actually accomplished a few things today on that endless to do list. And Nicky reminded me what happens if he has to go too many days without a good run with his friend. I left a pair of house slippers on the floor. Not quite down to half a pair but one shoe certainly doesn't look exactly as it once did.

Re: Missing person

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:09 pm
by Redetotry
I don't think there is a magic pill but I think taking the best care of your body, by eating well, having good friends and exercising will go a long way in keeping us active. I found that taking advantage of the classes offered locally in Reiki, yoga and hypnosis has seemed to improve my health.
Regardless of my trying to be positive about my body's changes, I must admit there are times when I look in the mirror and wonder, would a face lift be worth the pain! Ah and maybe a bit of hair color....
I love your attitude and your saying also Sparkle. I tried to do my part by posting pictures this morning but alas, Photobucket had other ideas. It will not let me copy the img link on either my Mac or my PC! Yesterday, it was no problem, today no way. Maybe later.