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Soy and Cholesterol ????

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:15 am
by mtngal
Hi Ladies, I'm wondering if any of you have added soy protein to you diets to help reduce cholesterol? And if so, how did it work? I am working hard
to lower mine without drugs, and have just heard about soy protein. Thanks in advance for any advice, Diana

Re: Soy and Cholesterol ????

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:51 am
by Barbzeee
Diana.... I've done that ..but for me it didn't work. Mine is caused by Genetic... that's the first thing you have to find out.. if you are linked to having the problem.. then if it's dietary.. you can bring your numbers down by changing your lifestyle of eating...and although you've heard this before no doubt.. exercise.. yes it's a fact it will bring it down.. and everything in moderation ..

I also did the Reversal of heart disease.. went into the program and became a Vegan to help stop the process...unfortunately it didn't work now with Meds.. I'm doing better but my disease is on going.. but I'm alive and kicking..but not as high...

My suggestion is to also get a complete workup.. and see what other things are contributing to your cholesterol.. ie thyroid as well and diabetes.. simple blood work can give you some answers..

I hope this has given you some input.. if you need any help be happy to oblige..

Good Luck and God Bless

Re: Soy and Cholesterol ????

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:38 am
by Cedar518
My doc put me on the vitamin Niacin for lowering my colesterol. And it worked! But be sure to get the "non-flushing" type if you buy some. if not you will have a hot flash worse than you can immagine,.. for about an hour. i take the non-flushing type and never have a problem... one pill once a day in the a.m. and my colesterol has really dropped.

Re: Soy and Cholesterol ????

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:54 am
by khenrie
My choleserol was high a few years ago. I took two products that worked great for me! Phytomega (Omega3 fatty acids and phytosterols) and ProvexCV (grapeseed oil/extracts). Haven't had a high reading since taking them.

Re: Soy and Cholesterol ????

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:35 pm
by Sunseeker
Well, I am a fan of vegetables/herbs of the hops and barley variety. I have never had high cholesterol even though my family is pre-disposed to it. Of course they must be taken in moderation. :mrgreen: I prefer the commercial potion that includes Lite on the label.

Re: Soy and Cholesterol ????

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:04 pm
by Bethers
My ex had high cholesterol that we brought down by diet alone - and mine got even better during that time. We ate more tomato based foods and more garlic - used EVOO as Rachel Ray has made olive oil renamed LOL - and we cut out lots of the high cholesterol stuff - and almost entirely quit frying.

I like the idea of vitamins and natural means also - if possible. So I'm going to be coming back here to check those methods just posted if my reading is up this year.

Re: Soy and Cholesterol ????

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:19 pm
by avalen
3 beers each evening produces the good cholesterol that eats the bad cholesterol.
:lol: Must be true, my ex was a beeraholic and had very low cholesterol :lol:
I think you would at least sleep really good.
Seriously, I don't know if its true or not, I just thought it was funny.

Re: Soy and Cholesterol ????

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:47 pm
by mtngal
thanks everybody,

Barb, yes it's genetic with me too, that Italian heritage I am so proud of! (really irritating though that I got the cholesterol while my brother and sister didn't!)

Beth, my diet is really clean and lots of exercise, just can't seem to budge.

The doc gave me until mid September and then it's meds. I am going to try the soy and also the Omega3 fatty acids with phytosterols. While I am stubborn I'm not stupid and will take the meds if no other success. Oh, and the last resort, LOSE the extra weight! lol, diana

Re: Soy and Cholesterol ????

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:54 pm
by AlmostThere
The first time the DR told me I had high cholesterol I dieted and it went down considerably and I'm sure I could have the same results again if I'd set my mind to it.