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Walmart sells RVs through classifieds

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:58 pm
by avalen
ok, just for fun I look at RVs for sale on the internet and come to find out
Walmart has a classifieds sections and they sell RVs among other things.
But you can put in zip code and check whats on the market in your area
or any area for that matter. In my zip code area alone there was 900 and
something rv units of various kinds for sale, it was 39 pages. I didn't look
at them all.
its not walmart that is selling but walmart maintains the classifieds, just
wanted to make that clear.

Re: Walmart sells RVs

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:01 pm
by Bethers
Looks like competition for Craig's List and other such sites - interesting.

Re: Walmart sells RVs through classifieds

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:11 pm
by Barbzeee

Walmart will sell just about anything...aaaaaah my kind of favorite place.. don't ya know every place I've ever been I've hit a Walmart... I even now when I can't find things that I've bought before go on their web site and do direct order.. LOL now I don't have to park the car ...or walk into store which lately is like a charge of the light brigade..cause of all the close out sales... and now.. you tell me RV's.. LOL Ok.. works for me !!

Thanks Ava

God Bless

Re: Walmart sells RVs through classifieds

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:59 pm
by Echo
LOL Now that I find funny! I have that website bookmarked. But I sure the heck didn't know it was WalMart. sheesh

Re: Walmart sells RVs through classifieds

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:23 pm
by avalen
I have a friend at work who also lives in a fifth wheel and she always told me,
"If Walmart doesn't have it, you don't need it," this always gave me a chuckle.

Re: Walmart sells RVs through classifieds

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:36 pm
by AlmostThere
Looks to me that the RVs listed in my zip are all ads taken from our local newspaper. Are the sellers aware that Wal Mart has copied their ads? If not, will Wal Mart then contact the seller and say "hey, we have a buyer for your RV and for a fee will help you sell it?" Something doesn't seem right, but then I didn't read any fine print.

Re: Walmart sells RVs through classifieds

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:59 pm
by Bethers
I saw that also - but if you click you go directly to the link - it's like Walmart is consolidating the ads - plus letting people post their own. If Wal-mart gets anything when you click on those links it'll be similar to if you click on the sponsored links when you do a search - they will get paid a little bit. If it makes it an easier way to find all the ads, I'm for it.

It is funny tho - as we rver's do tend to use Wal-marts a lot - as they do seem to be the store that most welcomes us (as Flying J's are the gas station that most welcome us, etc).