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Birthday Date Answer

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 1:01 pm
by monik7
Since Beth and Lyn asked, here's an explanation of the reason I didn't know my true birthdate until I was a senior in high school. I mentioned it in my post about PattyK's birthday.

When I was 4, the cutoff to start school was March 1. My actual birthday was March 2 so I missed it by one day. Apparently my mother felt I was ready for kindergarten at 4. So, she got out an eraser and erased the 2 from my birth certificate and then put it in the typewriter and replaced it with a 1. Therefore, I was accepted to start kindergarten when 4 years old. They didn't tell me for fear I might say something at school and had a fear the school authorities would put me back a grade where I should have been. I don't think that would have happened as I was always a good student and near the top of every class. Even into high school they never told me. One day as a senior, I was looking at my baby book and saw a newspaper clipping announcing my birth that my mom had put in the book. I saw it said my birthday was March 2 and asked how they could make such a mistake. That's when they told me the truth. I never asked them when and if they were ever going to tell me. I was due to go off to college is a few months and assume all my paperwork has the wrong date. To this day, March 1 has a special place in my heart. It's like having two birthdays.

It's also fun because 3 generations of women in my family all graduated from college a year earlier and a year younger than usual - my mother because she finished high school in 3 years, me because I started school at 4 years old, and my daughter because she skipped a grade.

Re: Birthday Date Answer

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 1:10 pm
by judi
What a cute story. You truly do have two birthdays - and you should celebrate both!

Re: Birthday Date Answer

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 1:18 pm
by chalet05
Neat story, Sandi!

Re: Birthday Date Answer

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 1:58 pm
by MelissaD
:lol: I can so see that happening. In the age of computers she might not have gotten away with it. It is a great little story.

Re: Birthday Date Answer

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:00 pm
by Bethers
Good reason to party for a couple days! Love the story. Do you have a "real" birth certificate now?

Re: Birthday Date Answer

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 5:18 pm
by sharon
So I guess I missed BOTH of your birthdays...Happy belated birthdays, my friend, and many many more miles and special days!! Hugs!

Re: Birthday Date Answer

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:53 pm
by snowball
how fun of a story!!! I think you should celebrate both!!!
have a great day

Re: Birthday Date Answer

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:50 am
by dayspring39
so its Happy Birthday Birthday Sandi... my birthday is dec 1 and the cut off for the school was dec 31 so I was young also... I was very tiny then oh how things change! I was held back in 1st grade because of many things in my life...
Sandi thanks for sharing...

Re: Birthday Date Answer

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 1:35 pm
by pattyk
I was also always the youngest one in my class. I guess the cutoff was March 1st.
Happy, happy birthday, Sandi.

Re: Birthday Date Answer

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:24 pm
by SoCalGalcas
Thanks for the answer Sandi...I never thought of that! Lyn

Re: Birthday Date Answer

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:39 pm
by JudyJB
My parents got my name mixed up. My dad filled out the birth certificate and my mother filled out the baptismal information when I was baptized. (Way, way back in those ancient days, you could use a baptismal certificate for school and your driver's license.)

So I grew up thinking my name was Judith, only to find out when I got a copy of my birth certificate when I applied for a passport at age 17 that it was really Judy! Had to change all my school and medical records. It was too late for my driver's license so I went 30 years before I cleared that up because it was too much trouble.