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back in action

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:13 am
by CricketSail
Since landing in Salem for my summer house sitting gig I've been out of touch with the list. Also it's been distracting with my surgeries. I had back surgery in May, foot surgery in July. I'm scheduled for yet another back surgery this coming Friday. That has to be the end of it for now since I have to start thinking of being on my way again. I will just have to deal with however this surgery works out (if not so good, it's time for a different surgeon).

I've been delighted with the work I had done on my rig, the heat and electric systems have been awesome. True, it's this summer, not last winter, but still I'm able to survive very well now without hookup because of my solar package. The heat system is also great.

I met not a lot of you, but a few good friends over this last year, and am planning a more organized trip south again this winter. Thanks to those who have been helping me with the job search.
- Sharon

Re: back in action

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:23 am
by Carolinagal
Glad to see you back, Sharon. Hope this next back surgery will be the last you will need. Where in Fl do you plan to winter ?. Hopefully we can meet up somewhere.

Wishing you well on the up coming surgery,
CArol :)

Love the picture of your Furbabies, what pretty dogs !!!

Re: back in action

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:33 am
by Oma
Hope you will continue to get better and join us in Florida this winter.

Re: back in action

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:36 pm
by bluepinecones
Good to have you back, Sharon. Do check in as often as you can.
Fingers crossed that you get the job you want in the southeast for winter.

Re: back in action

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:26 am
by CricketSail
Thanks, I really hope it gets sorted out with the surgery this week. I'll keep you all posted. And will let you know where I'll be wintering, much will depend on the job(s) I can land. - Sharon