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First Trip

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:44 am
by Othersharon
I finally got my first trip in my new rig under my belt! 1500 miles worth in a week! Need to slow it down a bit but was unavoidable this trip! I only had a couple of issues. The one big one was the valve stems on the outside tires in back were almost impossible to get to. I'm taking it in Tues to have extenders put on them but there seemed to be a difference of opinion on that from the garage guys. One said they don't last and the other said as long as you are careful and don't jam the air hose on them they will work. Any opinions, Ladies? The other minor issue was with the cable hook up on the tv. All I got was fuzz. So not sure where to look for the problem and other people were getting a clear picture. So other then fighting off fire ants in SC and skeeters in VA it was a trip. Saw lots of new places and revisited some others. The pups did great and seemed to settle in. In fact after we got home they both jumped out, came in the house for a quick drink, went out to do their business and went back to the rv! Funny doodles! Thought of MelissaD and Phoenix when I stayed at a Jellystone park in VA, not as nice as the one they were at! But a fun trip and already thinking about another one closer to home for a few days before I have to winterize! And hopefully cooler temps! It was way to hot and humid south of here! I know, come December-January I'll be longing for some of the heat! Never happy! :!:

Re: First Trip

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:57 am
by MelissaD
Congratulations on the trip.

Valve stems: If you have the metal valve stems already I'd be looking at Cat's Eye System ... alizer.htm They have been used on semi's for years. Thinking of putting a pair on my dually. Common will point, keeps pressures balanced and can check pressure with a glance. They are not cheap though.

Cable fuzzy picture when others are fine: normally it's a loose connection. Either on the TV, the amp or on the antenna itself.

Re: First Trip

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 10:03 am
by gingerK
All in all sounds like a successful first outing! Congrats!

Re: First Trip

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 10:04 am
by retiredhappy
On the cable connection I have to switch from "cable" to "antenna" or vice versa.

Be sure NOT to get just the rubber extenders. I had to replace mine on my C with the metal ones.

Re: First Trip

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 11:02 am
by Acadianmom
Be sure and get metal extenders. The last few times I have had work done on my tires I have gone to a shop that does commercial trucks and Class A motorhomes even though I have a small B+. Some of the guys that work mostly on cars don't know what they are talking about when it comes to motorhomes.

My motorhome has a switch that switches between the antenna and cable. Then I have to go to the menu on the TV remote and select Air or Cable on the TV and search for channels. I also have satellite. If I don't go on a trip for a few months it takes me a while to get the right combination of channels and switches to get the TV to work. :roll:


Re: First Trip

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:07 am
by Othersharon
Much thanks for the well needed advice! The garage here in town where I have an appointment this week is a commercial bus company so I will make sure they can put metal extenders on the tires. If not, will have to go somewhere else farther from home. MelissaD, looked at the system you mentioned but think that will have to go on the back burner for now. But I bookmarked it for farther consideration. They are expensive!! As far as the cable goes, I will try to work through it and check things out as far as I can! I think the first thing would to bypass the rv connections and go right from the tv to the connection in the campground through the window or something. I looked at it and the tv is mounted and I think there might be connection behind the panel so would need to remove the whole thing. Anyway, not that big of deal so will work on it as time and inclination allows! I will look for switches to see if that might be it too. Again thanks, your comments are invaluable!

Re: First Trip

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:20 am
by relaxing101
Definitely check the settings as Martha said. Every time I hook up and don't have cable, my first impulse is to blame the cable but it is usually just because I need to go to Menu and correct the settings and let it search for channels since every cable company is different!!

