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Weather Info

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:53 pm
by sunshinecruiserTN
I have found this terrific website on weather.

A lot of you women may already be familar with this site but I wasn't and thought I would share. You could spend a great amount of time on here just wandering around. Oh, well, for those of you who yearn for something while you are up at all hours of the night, have fun. :D

Re: Weather Info

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:43 pm
by Cedar518
Isn't that the best site? I've wandered around there for a couple of years. Especially during hurricane season.

Re: Weather Info

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:57 pm
by rvgrammy1953
This is one of the weather sites Ernie uses while traveling....

Re: Weather Info

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:31 pm
by Lotus
I like this site much better than the weather channel site. The weather is so critical to me now!! :lol: I've also been meaning to say I like your avater....great pix! Maybe you've had it for awhile, but it just now jumped out at me.


Re: Weather Info

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:44 pm
by Bethers
Yep, great site. It's one of the one's I used during hurricane season, also. And yes, you can spend a lot of time in there.

Re: Weather Info

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:44 am
by dcricket
It's a keeper. Made it to my RV favorites folder.

Speaking of weather..WOW the Wind is a Howwwwwwwwwwwwwwwling outside tonight. Santa Ana winds. I love the warm air of the weather front (it's 12:44pm and 60 degrees outside). Windy Windy Windy. DH said the winds were projected to gust upwards of 60mph in the mountain passes. Sure hope that truck trailer wind break of Chris at that desert tower In ko Pah?? sp
is holding back some of the winds and keeping her protected. Can hear my wind chimes out on the back patio just ding dongin away.

Thanks for sharing the link. 8-)