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RV Warranty

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:59 pm
by AlmostThere
I received my newest issue of Trailer Life today and was reading RV Action Line, where Trailer Life acts on someone's behalf to get satisfaction from a manufacturer for repairs etc.
One article concerned a couple waiting too long for repairs to be done on their almost new RV. While Trailer Life was on the phone with the manufacturer they were told that some RVs are not to be used as a fulltime residence units, and if they are, it would void its warranty.
This is all new to me. Is one suppose to divulge this info to the dealer upon purchasing and RV?

Re: RV Warranty

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:43 pm
by Liz
I'm not familiar with such a warranty limitation, but then, I've not bought a "new" RV either. Something to ask before you buy, I guess.

Re: RV Warranty

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:54 pm
by Bethers
I've heard weird things like this before. So what is full-time? Someone who spends 6 months or do they have to spend an entire year? I think it would be hard to explain that. I know one person who is "not" full-time, but the rv is hooked up 24/7/365 at their house - as they believe the fridge, etc will work better if not turned on and off all the time - so they keep it always on - and if they have company use it for their guest house. Would that be full-time?

I guess it's important to read the warranties. I purchased an extended warranty this past fall (something I normally don't believe in) and the company I purchased from know I'm full-time, and no where did this warranty say I couldn't be. Sounds like some manufacturers are simply trying to find excuses for things. Sad. And ifyou can find which manufacturer has such a warranty - I think we should post it.

Re: RV Warranty

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:18 pm
by AlmostThere

Re: RV Warranty

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:43 pm
by Cedar518
Isn't Dutchman by Thor products? I've not heard great things about Thor taking care of problems. And also that there have been problems to take care of. That is heresay,... as I've owned one truck camper (Wolverine) three 5ths ( all Fleetwood models) and two popups (both Palomino) and now the Chalet so have had no personal experience with Dutchman or Thor.

Re: RV Warranty

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:56 pm
by Bethers
Here's a copy of the Dutchmen warranty:

In it it says the following isn't covered (among other things):

Dutchmen recreation vehicles that are used for business, rental, commercial, residential, or disaster relief purposes, or any other purpose other than recreational travel and camping.

Nothing there says that you cannot use it full-time for recreational travel and camping. Unless I missed something, I found nothing in this warranty to say that. If they are denying a claim saying that I would demand that they show me where it states that - and what they consider full-time. Now, if you are taking one of their products and putting it in a park to live in full-time - not traveling - I could see the above sentence meaning you are not covered - as now this is a residence in one location (I still don't understand why that wouldn't be covered - but that is in this warranty).

Re: RV Warranty

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:43 pm
by avalen
very interesting thread
whenever I get ready to get my "on the road" rv, I definatley won't be getting
anything Dutchman, I think the way they word their warranty is very questionable.

Re: RV Warranty

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:21 pm
by AlmostThere
Here are a couple paragraphs from the article. It is the manufacturer's reply to Trailer Life;

"The warranty on the Kitchen's trailer includes limited bumper to hitch coverage for one year and two years on the structure and appliances. The warranty does not provide for a replacement trailer or the repurchase of the existing unit

During our phone conversation with Mr. Kitchens, he expressed that he had bought the trailer to use as a permanent residence. This trailer is manufactured to be used only as a recreational vehicle, and not as a full-time dwelling.

We are willing to assist Mr Kitchen's dealership to resolve all warrantable items on his trailer. Please note, however, that using this trailer as a full-time residential unit will void its warranty".

Re: RV Warranty

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:21 pm
by Bethers
That's exactly what the warranty says - and full-time residential is different than full-time on the road. I wouldn't be surprised but that many others have similar warranties - as there are models made for full-time residential - and they are different. There are several where I'm staying now. Now, what makes them different that would allow them to warranty them differently is a question to me - as I just doubt there really is much difference as far as most those types of items. However, it gives them the option to have that wording and not warranty some things.

Looks like from the response you posted, that they are going to take care of things.