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Trouble in Paradise

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:01 pm
by asirimarco
Well we’ve had a little excitement in our lives. New Years Day we went out to eat at our favorite restaurant. Bill had breaded and fried chicken fillet – it is delicious but I decided it was still early so I’d have eggs and bacon. We both had French fries and salad. The rest of the day passed nicely. Took a little drive to watch the fishermen again and then back to motorhome. Ate leftovers for dinner. About 9:30 Bill was had his head in the john visiting with “Ralph.” Oh, Oh! Every 20 to 30 minutes he was back in there. By 3:30 a.m. I was starting to get worried. So I woke up our neighbors who’ve been coming here for 52 years and she is a nurse to ask them if they had any anti nausea medicine. Nope but they did know if we went into Old Kino there was a Red Cross station there. It is kind of like an emergency room with ambulance and paramedics. So into Old Kino we went, about 6.5 miles. Found the Red Cross the paramedic there walked us over to the clinic where there was a very nice doctor. He said he had lots of patients that night with vomiting etc. Hum wonder where they ate? Any way he diagnosed food poisoning. Gave Bill a shot for the upchucks and a prescription for pills. Back to motorhome we went. Believe me it was a very long night. The shot didn’t take effect right away. Poor guy I felt so sorry for him, I think his toenails came up – there wasn’t anything else left to come up. (Oh, doctor did say basically expect to get worse and don’t drink anything with sugar as it will make the diarrhea worse. Diarrhea? Oh boy.) Also to drink Suera? as it would help with the dehydration and loss of electrolytes.) At 8 the next morning I drove, yes me, into Old Kino, over the under construction dirt road, to the pharmacy. Got there about 8:20 sign on door said open at 8:30. Waited. And waited. Finally left at 9:15 to go back to check on Bill. Stopped at little market and found Suera (it is like Gatorade but without the sugar.) Doctor was right – diarrhea was visiting too. So back to Pharmacy. It was open! Got pills for vomiting and after much pantomiming with sound effects (use your imagination) got pills for diarrhea.
Any way – yesterday was pretty much a blur. But the pills have done their magic. We both slept some last night. Today he is feeling better and has managed to get up for reasons other than visiting the bathroom. Even ate a little chicken soup. Campbells. So between the cold he just got over and this I’m sure he will not be himself for a while. Just give me patience please. :twisted:
All the time we have spent in foreign countries this is the first time either one of us has gotten sick. But it could happen any where – in fact a couple of my kids got food poisoning from eating in an IHop in CA.
So much for my sad story.

Re: Trouble in Paradise

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:43 pm
by Cedar518
Best wishes to Bill for a peaceful night's sleep and better days ahead. and to you ,.... too ,..... Carol! I'm glad to hear that he's on the mend.

Re: Trouble in Paradise

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:17 pm
by Orchid
Poor Bill. I hope he get much better soon. I've had two bad experiences with eating chicken out. Fortunately neither time was I sick because I found that the supposedly cooked chicken was actually raw before I ate too much of it. Neither incident was in a foreign country either. Cheryl

Re: Trouble in Paradise

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:51 pm
by Sparkle
Oh dear. Just think how bad it would have been if you had both eaten the same thing. Yes, I've had food poisoning in the USA. There was a chain called The Black Eyed Pea. I only ate there once!

Re: Trouble in Paradise

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:04 pm
by Bethers
Oh, poor BIll - I know exactly how he was feeling - however my major bout of food poisoning was from a very expensive fancy restaurant in Las Vegas. Thank God the hotel I was staying in took care of me - sent dr to my room even - it's not fun - worst I think I've ever felt - worse than any cold or flu I've ever had, anyway. So, I feel sorry for both of you - cuz I know it wasn't fun for either of you. Glad it's mainly over and the end is in sight.

Re: Trouble in Paradise

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:03 pm
by dpf
Ohhhhh....I feel for him. Had it once.....thought I would have to get better before I could die! It's miserable.

Re: Trouble in Paradise

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:31 pm
by avalen
so glad he is on the mend and continues to feel better until he's 100%
and you need some rest now too cause you've been through alot in the
last couple days with him being sick.

Re: Trouble in Paradise

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:48 pm
by Liz
Well welcome to Mexico...I'm so sorry for Bill and what you had to go through too, but imagining your pantomime sure gave me a good laugh!

Re: Trouble in Paradise

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:27 pm
by Echo

I feel so badly for Bill and so glad to hear he's doing better!!

But the idea of you standing in a Mexican drug store squating, grunting, moaning and making explosives sound about made me fall out of my chair. Oh jeebers the mental picture that conjures up??? Thank you so much!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hope your doing better too..... 8-)

Re: Trouble in Paradise

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:38 am
by snowball
I'm so sorry that Bill has been sick can't be fun but will have to concur with the others the image was just too much!!!
Larry woke up today being dizzy went to town to have breakfast at a fund raiser came home and he started upchucking still doing it. Had to wonder about food poisening but I made supper and pretty much eat the same thing except for one item but still he has had the dizzyness all day as well!!! and about the time we were in Yuma there was this stuff going around so tend to go with a flue...
it's not fun this is the first time the 5th wheel has been too small. I'm basically a fairly healthy person but one thing that will make me feel sick is the sound of a person throwing up and the oder! yuck trying to be kind hearted!!! I've cleaned up after him this too shall pass.. but think I'm sleeping on the couch tonight hmm maybe the truck :?

Re: Trouble in Paradise

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:24 am
by dcricket
Agree with the others...what a terrible way to enter into the New Year. Never had food poisoning and hope I never do. I must admit though, had me viualizing the pantomiming at the drug store w/sound affects and I had a difficult time keeping a smirk and chuckle from sneaking out. Glad he's on the mend. Take care of yourself as well. :)

Re: Trouble in Paradise

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:27 am
by Cedar518
Carol,.... maybe you could recreate the pantomime and make a video for us all to see? :lol:

On the serious side i sure hope that bill is back sitting up and taking nourishment. Two such sicknesses back to back for him must have taken the tar right out of him. Good wishes going your way!

Re: Trouble in Paradise

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:19 pm
by pattyk
Glad to hear Bill is doing okay.

My husband got food poisoning at the Reno Hilton in 1999 along with about 600 others. There was a class action suit filed and it was finally settled in August of this last year. Some of the people needed hospitalization. My husband didn't, thank goodness. It was a nice settlement.