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La Mesa Rv show Sacramento this week

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:50 pm
by MandysMom
Hubby and I spent several hours today climbing in and out of RV's at Cal Expo today. We liked the Winnebago Viata 36y just new to market. Did not write any checks. We need to put our GMC on the market and get it a new owner.

Re: La Mesa Rv show Sacramento this week

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:48 pm
by VickieP
So what are you waiting on??? :lol: :lol:

Re: La Mesa Rv show Sacramento this week

PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:14 am
by MandysMom
Still dealing with husbands health issues. One more surgery to go. CT scan was clean done last week, so tumor remains gone but he has a tiny hole in his palate graft that did not close and has jaw issue they will try to ease. Also got taxes to do final work on. And he has a couple of things to do on the bus before I write it up to the bus groups and other places. I don't really want to commit to payments on new until he heals from what should be final surgery. But yes I am chomping at the bit to get it all done esp to see my bicentennial bus find a new home.