cold and tired
Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:23 am
Omg I am in GA and it's like 12 degrees, same as back home, and I've been on the road for weeks to get to warmer weather. I am fortunate to have met a great maintenance guy, and also to have decided to ditch the Walmart thing and get into an rv park with internet and electric. I have water here, but it's frozen. I have one more day of propane and then...whew, I am tired of this surviving thing. Also I'm out of cell range so I can't call ahead for another campground on my way to FL. I can't leave here until I can disconnect from the water and I don't want to break things. Also I have to be sure that I can get into safe harbor around Macon, GA later today. I know I'm not alone in the distress, but it's been really hard for someone new to my rv and on the road only a few weeks. Well, I'll have stories to tell. And the pets are fine.