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Life in Kino

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:52 am
by asirimarco
Just thought I'd share a few more pictures of what we are doing and seeing here. Wish I could share not only the sights but the sounds and smells also. As you drive down the streets you hear cars with loud speakers hawking everything from politicians to meat or just sharing their music. Music plays and announcemnts come over the loud speakers in the stores. The trucks roar and the children laugh. Everything seems to be in stereo. And the smells - to our US noses good and bad, meat cooking at the bbq on the corner, truck exhaust, the fish smell from the pier and the fishermens boats, wood burning, garbage burning, the salt air when the breeze comes across the Gulf. Every day brings something new.
But a few pictures - the first one I couldn't resist. He was sitting in front of a store across from the bakery. And it wasn't a cold day.
This is the bakery, you can just see Bill through the door. Very small place. We got there about 1 in the aft and had to come back at 3 when the baking was done. You either get there first thing in the a.m or wait until afternoon for supper. Bakery is in Old Kino
Just some scenes from New Kino where we are stayng - this first is one of the public accesses to the beach between the private homes
Image they are all landscaped
This is one of the homes - many of them have murals on them - liked this one
Sitting on the beach having lunch
Some sights we saw on our way to Hermosillo to shop = sharing the road
BBQs on the corner - made your mouth water
Inside WalMart at McDonalds =- Beth notice the pinatas hanging - Bill is in far right corner
The little church I mentioned before - we went up there but it wasn't opened. Met the man who built it and he said it is open Sat and Sundays but won't be open Christmas - too bad. There is only parking for 5 cars up at the top - rest of parking is at bottom of hill. Took a picture through window. The statue above alter is life size and made of iron wood - brought by hand up the hill
This is the road up and down - we are coming down into the sun - was hanging on for dear life.
And one more shot to end the day. Really nice sunsets
Hope you are enjoying this trip as much as I am. Come on Jennie - join us.

Re: Life in Kino

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:11 pm
by Sparkle
Looks wonderful. Have you been to Loreta - Loreto? I know its become very popular with Americans. Also if you read Tioga George's blog he has mentioned the tolerence there. If loud music is blaring nobody complains. If somebody parks in the wrong place people just go around. I noticed when I was at the dentist a vender was playing the CD's he was selling - really loud. But it didn't faze the receptionist in the least. I really liked the attitude, I found it very relaxing. And I bet (for those of you who read Merle's Door), that there are no leash laws either.

Re: Life in Kino

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:28 pm
by Liz
Gorgeous! I love the mural....been thinking of painting one on a wall of my house where the garage door was closed in...hmmm, what to paint?

Your descriptions helped us to enjoy all the senses we can't actually see on the forum. And I'd love to be there for sunset.

Re: Life in Kino

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:03 pm
by Cedar518
Your pics are great,... i'm loading my car and i'll be right down! ... Don't I WISH!

Re: Life in Kino

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:48 pm
by rvgrammy1953
Am enjoying your photos so much!!! We've been tossing around the idea of doing a Mexico trip, but have no plans just yet....maybe someday.....

Thanks so much for sharing your adventures...

Re: Life in Kino

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:29 pm
by asirimarco
Hi Sparkle - yes we went to Loreto in Baja CA about 4 years ago. Had a good time. Thats were they took my apples. Loved the weather and the town. Took the jeep and drove into the center of Baja to see a church built in the 1600s. There is a love of life here in Mexico that I think we Americans have forgotten how to enjoy. We're just too busy living for today.
There are murals on many of the houses here and on a lot of the little shelters here in the campground. Will take pictures of some of them. The guy who delivers the shrimp in his pickup also paints the murals.
So whats keep all of you - come join us! Just met a couple of full timers while eating lunch. They love it here - one couple was from No Carolina.

Re: Life in Kino

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:22 pm
by avalen
great pictures and descriptions too, the explanations of smells and sounds.

Re: Life in Kino

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:40 pm
by Bethers
OH oh oh - am second guessing my canceling my MX trip this winter. Ah, will be another year - sure am enjoying your pics and tales -

I'm so enjoying your pictures - and yep, I LOVE the mural - I love the cities and towns I find that allow them - there's a city in WA - far northern WA that has murals all over - I forget the name - but I just loved it - had to walk all over town to take pic after pic of them. What a wonderful way to celebrate our buildings, houses, etc.

This reminded me of a story. When I was 5 we moved to a new town - new house, wow - fancy for us - a ranch, one of the many neighborhoods built after WWII - that made affordable homes in the 50's. Anyway - my Dad had gotten a better job, thus the move to that town and this new house. The restaurant across the street from where he worked (where he got coffee all the time in the morning) had an artist come in and paint a mural on the inside wall of the restaurant. My dad liked it and made a deal with the artist to come paint something on the wall behind our "bar" that he was going to have in our basement (at that time still unfinished). Well, I don't know why I wasn't in school - must have been summer - but one day this old car drove up and my mom had to find bricks to put behind the tires so the car wouldn't roll away :) - was the artist. He went down to the basement and I got told I could watch if I didn't get in the way. He arrived 8 or 9 in the morning. He painted this gigantic mural - I'm guessing here that it was 12 feet long by 6 feet high - somewhere in that ballpark - directly on the wall. It was a scene with a lake and trees and if you looked you'd see squirrels and chipmunks and birds of all kinds on the ground and in the trees - it was an awesome, beautiful work of art. He would paint a tree trunk, then take a brush with green paint mixed with some other colors, put his fingers through the brush, then dab on the wall several times above and around the trunk, and there were the leaves. It was amazing. I can remember all this today as if it was yesterday.

My Dad arrived home at lunch to see the progress - ha - the artist was done and packing up his car. Yes, this wonderful, detailed work of art - done in 3, at most 4 hours! Anyway - I have a love for murals - on buildings, walls etc - probably came from that art that was on the same wall in the house when we sold it. Nope, impossible to take with. And I hate to think it probably was one of the first things the people painted over.

So, Carol - keep posting your pics and telling your stories there - ah, I'm with you and it's bringing back wonderful memories.