by retiredhappy » Sun Nov 10, 2013 6:28 pm
Lost my first post (@#$%^&*()). Found out why Baxter was found running the streets of Mason Tx and rescued from the Mason pound the day they were going to put him to sleep. The other morning someone left my gate open and I didn't realize it right away. When I realized he had gotten out I jumped in my car in my pj's and slippers and started driving the park. Now I live at the back of the park. The landscaper saw me and asked if I was looking for a little brown and white dog. He said there was a lady at the FRONT of the park that found a little dog just about to try and cross the highway. I rushed up front and sure enough, it was Baxter. Thank God he went right to her when she called him and she got a rope on him. I had removed his collar the night before to brush him and hadn't put it back on yet. NEVER AGAIN will he be without his tags. He wasn't at all scared - he had just had an adventure and I lost several years off my life. My gates both now have clips on them you you can open them without using the clips.
Karen West
Baxter, Sophie, & Bailey..