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Judy and Sheila in Jackson, MT

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:56 pm
by JudyJB
Here we are:



Re: Judy and Sheila in Jackson, MT

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:20 pm
by mitch5252
Nice pictures!

That arch was standing when I was there back in the 50s with my folks...
Jackson Hole has sure changed a little since then...


Re: Judy and Sheila in Jackson, MT

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:25 pm
by avalen
love the pictures, thank you

Re: Judy and Sheila in Jackson, MT

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:50 pm
by Irmi
Judy, you certainly are getting around! The pictures are great! Thanks for sharing them with us!

Re: Judy and Sheila in Jackson, MT

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:34 pm
by VickieP
Great y'all got to gtg!

Re: Judy and Sheila in Jackson, MT

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:05 pm
by Bethers
Good to see both of you.

Re: Judy and Sheila in Jackson, MT

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:30 pm
by BirdbyBird
So glad you got together. Sheila's knowledge of the history of the eared really does make the visit richer.

Re: Judy and Sheila in Jackson, MT

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:51 pm
by Liz
You both are looking good. Glad the gtg happened on such a beautiful day.

Re: Judy and Sheila in Jackson, MT

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:44 pm
by bluepinecones
Glad you had chance to meet.
Love the antler arch.

Re: Judy and Sheila in Jackson, MT

PostPosted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:23 pm
by snowball
thanks for posting the picture Judy
and there are actually 4 arches not sure if there was that many in the 50's or not rather think not
North of town is the Elk Refuge where there are tons of elk wintering...the scouts in the area
gather up the discarded antlers and they are sold at a auction making it a big fund raiser for the
local boy scouts...buyers come from all over the world ...just a side thought that you might enjoy

Re: Judy and Sheila in Jackson, MT

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:22 am
by mtngal
Great story about the scouts Shiela!

Re: Judy and Sheila in Jackson, MT

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:22 am
by Redwahine
Both of you look great. I love the antler arch. What fun!

Re: Judy and Sheila in Jackson, MT

PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:00 pm
by Nasoosie
Great shot of you two and that famous antler arch! I haven't been there in more years than I can count, but hope to return some day. As for the national parks, I now think I can find less-traveled roads and campgrounds to enjoy rather than spending time in what seems to have become nothing more than big business ventures. I am so thankful my visits out west were in the early 60s before most people realized they could drive to get away from it all. No longer possible to get away from it all out there from what I am hearing from many of you who are visiting those gorgeous sites.

In reality, the price of gasoline might just keep me very narrowed down in my travels for the rest of my life, unless I decide to work again. Luckily, I have at least two parts of the nation I totally love to explore by truck, on foot, by bicycle, and by canoe-----my Adirondack home and my central FL home with son's campsite he set up for me in St. Cloud. The touristy thing has never appealed to me, although I love to read you-all's adventures and see pics of where you have been and what you have visited.

As I type this message, all I can hear from my trailer is crickets, cicadas, warning peeps of White-throated sparrows who no longer are singing their mating calls, occasional hawk cries from the sky. Even the robins no longer wake me with their long chirruping, although they are still hanging around a bit longer to get worms from my mowed lawn. Although I will watch fall arrive here and see the blinding colors of the maple trees, see the geese head south, maybe even see the first snowflakes fall, I have the spring-like weather that FL provides for the winters down there to look forward to! And even a GTG to plan for in January!

Thanks for sharing your meeting out there in Wyoming!

Re: Judy and Sheila in Jackson, MT

PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:20 pm
by JanetA
Love Jackson but it's WYOMING,, just wanted to clear tht up! Ive been there several times and those antler arches are cool. There are several towns that also hve those on their square.... one is Dubois , Wyoming.

I plan to go thru there soon.

will try and report my trip to all...

thanks for sharing yours w/ us!