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December 7

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:42 am
by asirimarco
Just realized the date - did not see anything about it on the Web this a.m. Hope things aren't being forgotten. I wonder if women ran the countries if there'd be so much war?
BTW - we are still in Vegas and will be here until Tuesday noon at least. Still working on getting out satellite TV fixed. Supposed to be done between the famous "8 - 12" Tuesday - Just barely talked the park into letting us stay as lots of those cowboys are here with the rigs and fancy horse trailers.
Went to the Ethel M Chocolate factory last night to see all the beautiful Christmas lights they put in their cactus gardens. And of course had to buy some candy - pecan brittle love it. There are over 500,000 lites in the garden. Over heard a little girl asking her mom how any one could put lights on cactus - mom answered what I was thinking "Very carefully."

Re: December 7

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:18 am
by Gentleladybear
Some people will forget, but for some the memories will never fade. My brothers served in WWII. So it brings a lot of things home to me. I will have books of ration stamps my mother kept from that time period. We think things are bad in today's world, but the memories are vivid of how bad they were back then.

Re: December 7

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:46 am
by Bethers
I'm reminded of Dec 7th for various reasons. One year as a child, going through pictures and mementoes of my family, I came across my mother's baptismal papers. She had been baptised again as an adult, and it was done on that day - later in the day they heard of Pearl Harbor. Somehow, as a child, I filed that information - and always tie the 2 events together in my head. Yesterday, when I was sending a birthday greeting to a friend born on Dec 7th - I sat back and reflected on my mom, my family, God, wars, etc - and prayed for all of us, especially our men and women serving our country today.

Re: December 7

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 12:52 pm
by Cedar518
I saw a headline on Yahoo this a.m. ... and said this year the news would focus more on the "response" to the attack rather than the attack itself. Seems like a positive approach to take and still honoring it all. I have a doc film on dvd and also the fictionalized movie called "Pearl".... not sure which I'll watch this afternoon.

Re: December 7

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:36 pm
by Nasoosie
My great grandmother was born on Pearl Harbor Day....way before the infamous day became known as such. I always remember....this incident got my father called away from us to serve. He was one of the lucky ones to come home, thank heavens.

Re: December 7

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:43 pm
by rvgrammy1953
Although I came along about 12 years later......I remember Dec. 7 because of my parents, aunts and they all gave of themselves when our country was attacked....Today, I prayed for those who served in WWII....those who came home...and those who didn't.......I'm proud of them!!!

I also remember 9/11...another attack on our country.....we honor those who we lost that day.....we honor those who have gone to fight terror away from our country so that we don't have to fight it here at home......same as my Dad and Uncles did over 60 years ago.......I pray for those who come home....and for those who haven't or won't.......My Nephew, Rick, leaves next Saturday for his 3rd tour.......I'm proud of him and of all the rest......

Both generations have protected our freedoms.....unconditionally.......There is no difference.....

I'll now get off my "soap Box".......... ;)

Re: December 7

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:54 am
by Liz
Both 12/7 and 9/11 are days that should never be forgotten.