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Re: Corn on the Cob

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:39 pm
by Bethers
I'm sitting here chuckling - as yep, many of the snowbirds are in that age group - but I've got lots here in TX that aren't - nice mix here - but I'll let you know more come January :) Most Americans seem to have more prescriptions that Carter has pills (euphimism you probably aren't familiar with - meaning they take pills and get prescriptions every chance they get). It's not a good thing, but true - and not just for the singles.

Guess you need to go visit Jenny and Dan some more :)

Re: Corn on the Cob

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 8:08 pm
by avalen
I love wine and I'm only 56, but I have no teeth and I can still eat corn on the cob, oh yea
and I don't take any pills. I must be part aussie :lol:

Re: Corn on the Cob

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 8:11 pm
by avalen
almost forgot..........I can top the coolwhip on pancakes weirdness
I've had pancakes with sourcream, sprinkled with sugar and topped with
fresh strawberries. Its yum!
Take two buttermilk pancakes, spread sourcream between them, sprinkle
the sugar on the sourcream, dollip some fresh cut up strawberries, do the
same to the top pancake and just enjoy. yum yum yum

Re: Corn on the Cob

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 8:49 pm
by Redetotry
Just watch what all those pill poppers eat and you'll understand the main reason they are taking them. Sadly a diet of fast food, deli food, anything artificial, highly processed and containing loads of sugar is considered normal.

Re: Corn on the Cob

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:20 pm
by AlmostThere
This is just my experience but I tried all kinds of holistic specialists and their treatments are expensive! Insurance does not cover holistic medicine. You continually have to keep trying different combinations and dosages for months at a time to find what works and then it might work for a while and then wham, you have to try something else. And many of the supplements are not regulated by any food and drug guidelines so one is ever sure just what is a safe combo or dosage. I once had my complete kitchen window ledge lined up with bottles of herbal supplements and was taking handfuls a day and didn't feel any different. I ate tons of soy products and took isoflavonoids but never did find anything that took hot flashes/night sweats away. Laid off all caffeine and chocolate etc. too.
Yep, Redetotry; fast food is the USA bain, I'm afraid!
About the seniors;
For the most part I do agree with you about where to fit in with the older group. Don't get me wrong, there are some pretty spry seniors and God bless the ones out here RVing etc.
Church single groups are either too young for me or too old. At 59 I'm the baby in my bible study group. Two weeks ago one lady was excited that she had a new 81 yr old boyfriend and last week a guy with a walker was giddy that he had a new 91 yr old girlfriend! I guess age has no limits in that area! :lol: :oops: I'm retired and single (recently divorced) and it's hard to find other single ladies to hang with. Most my age are married and/or working fulltime. This forum, with it's single gals RVing all over, is what's motivating me to get off my duff and step out of my comfort zone. I truly hope to be an RV owner by Spring.
Take care!

Re: Corn on the Cob

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:27 pm
by Barbzeee
Well, let me see Aussie Gal....mmmmmm I'm now offically a "Senior Citizen" and ready to collect my Social Security...(oh my I just can't wait ) I can eat corn on the cobb...and oh yeah... I take lots and lots and lots of meds to stay ALIVE...cause holistically I was beyond research... nothing worked to help me other than them darn dang drugs... I look at it this way.... I keep people working... but hey...if anything new comes out..I'm so willing to take it...rather than have me cut up and carved in different shapes....and even waiting on two artifical I can leap and bound all over...and yeppers..I is a Snow Bird too..

I have been RVing for over 40 years now...and only recently I had to buy a place as I have 4 Critters I travel with when I go South or West for the Winter...and hubby flies out for a week or two..when he can get away from our business.... and that's cause I can't do the winter months any more...

But hey, where I am... these older folks can sure put a lot of the younger ones to shame...just gotta watch out for them carts...LOL

Oh and by the in Sunny Florida they have a Sunset Group... they "toast" the sun going down...with some potent hooch ...and thank goodness they are driving golf carts....cause they sure don't drive a straight line LOL

WElcome back and try to be kind to us older folks...:) Here's to Ya !!

God Bless


Re: Corn on the Cob

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 6:58 am
by Cedar518
Well Gill,... I am sorry you aren't happy with all the older folks in your rv park. but to them,... I'm pretty sure it beats the alternative. And,... they are out there,... with their camper,.... that's great! I lilke their spirit that they are still enjoying life. Get to know some of them, I'll bet you would find them interesting to talk with. Our elders have so much to offer.

(said Cedar,.. almost 67 ! )

Re: Corn on the Cob

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:10 am
by Shirlv
Aussie Girl, The young people here are still working to buy that rv. The old timers head south looking for heat for those aching joints. I guess they have worked too hard saving for the rv. How about sharing some holistic remedies. What do they take down under for high blood pressure, aching joints. Native Americans use to send the old people to the mountains to die (glad they don't do that anymore) we just travel to cg on our own :lol:

Re: Corn on the Cob

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:16 am
by retiredhappy
Speaking as one of "those" seniors, I was too busy working and supporting a family in my "young" years to be able to get out and RV. As for the pills you're really lucky to have good health. If I didn't take my "pills" I'd probably be dead. I guess I'm the opposite - I really enjoy meeting those "old" folks. They have had so much life experience and have so many interesting stories if you talk with them. They've seen and lived through so much history. I love to see them out RVing instead of just sitting around somewhere waiting to die. I LOVE meeting new people and hearing all about them and their travels.

Re: Corn on the Cob

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:23 am
by Bethers
Cedar and Karen - please - read Aussie's post as she meant it - tongue in cheek. She has a great Aussie sense of humor and never once did she put down the people for the age they are - in fact, she carefully did the opposite. However, as someone in their 50's, I have to agree - it's nice to see some folks my own age. And as to the meds - she's talking about seeing differences between how things are down where she is and where we are - not saying we are wrong.

Just want to make sure everyone knows there is no one being put down here.

Re: Corn on the Cob

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:27 am
by retiredhappy
Oh Aussie Girl - no offense taken. We've got a pretty young crowd in right now for the Thanksgiving weekend. I mean the people next door to me actually stayed up till 10:30 last night. Can you imagine? I keep wanting to go over and show them how to start a fire WITHOUT a half gallon of smelly starter fluid. Glad I'm not eating what they're cooking over that fire. I'm watching two young women (40's?) jogging for their fourth lap around the park. Don't they know that's bad for their knees? Someday they'll be limping along with me. You reminded me of when I was in my 50's and moved into a senior park. Every single man in the park zeroed in on me cause I was the "young" chick there. Luckily for me, I could outrun them. You're actually right about this country's love of their medication. No matter what's wrong people want a pill to fix it. I only take about half what my doctor would actually prescribe for me and I cut the dosages. Quit telling her cause it upset her.

Re: Corn on the Cob

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:09 pm
by Bethers
OH, you bring such a smile to my face.

No thanks necessary- just understood your down under humor. I happen to have a very sarcastic type of humor that is often misunderstood - so I have toned it down some online - sometimes - but often tread on toes, also.

Ak, Karen, you made me laugh out loud with your last post. When I walk Peaches here later in the evening - there are almost no lights on anywhere. They take the "quiet hours" completely seriously, I guess :) Now, unfortunately with my early morning work hours, I feel like I am becoming another person. OMG, please, don't let it happen - let me stay me - please, please :)

Re: Corn on the Cob

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:48 pm
by carold
Well, I'm thinking my DH and I would fit right in with those Aussie's. Any RV parks "down under" :lol: :lol: carold

Re: Corn on the Cob

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:29 am
by Gentleladybear
Think I may be the grandma of this little corn cob eating group. I am 66, got my teeth and can chomp right through that corn. Just remember some seniors think old, some don't. That beginning with the conversation with medical information is because they have allowed their world to get so small. Outside of visits to the doctors they don't really have adventures in their lives anymore.

Love that Aussie humor, keep it coming, hope you can take the American humor. We will toss that right back at ya!!

Re: Corn on the Cob

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:30 am
by Echo
Well I guess I'm caught between the two!! ~sigh~

At 54 I'm gaining on the oldsters tho!! I love corn on the cob but can't bite the freaking kernels off any more. But by goodness I can still gnaw on a right rare steak! YUM Cut off it's horns, wipe it's butt, wave it over the grill and it's mine! I want to hear the echo of the MOOO. The only things I take so far is Advil once in a while and Glucosamine/Chondroitin for my protesting knees. Can't stand Grape Nuts cereal and don't even put the Bran Flakes in front of me. (shudder) But by goodness let a doctor get a hold of me and I'm gonna be in trouble! Will probably have me on so much garbage that there wont be any room left over in my tummy for that monster rare steak. As to the teeth? I will have to cage a visit to Jenny and Dan's place so I can go to Mexico to get my choppers taken care of. :lol: Would love to do the holistic thing if I could find a good herbalist.

I know what ya mean about how some older folks are when telling of their ailments. And I think Nan has a good handle on a lot of them, they have been letting ailments rule. Everyone is gonna have ailments but how you deal with it is the telling factor. Let them rule and drag ya down or get off your duff and do something. Life style, work history and genetics play a huge role. My Mom could run circles around me! Gads take that woman shopping and while you were ready to drop from exhaustion she was still good to go for hours. And you were in major trouble if it was rummage sale season!!!

People are funny tho. Some youngsters don't have the energy God gave a snail. Their vision is so narrow that they do nothing but eat, work and sleep. They don't take care of themselves. Those are gonna be the ones later on that sit in the rockers, taking their meds and letting life pass them by and complaining all the while. And some of the oldsters can leave any young'in in the dust!! They are my hero's and inspirations.

Me? I gonna enjoy a rocker once in awhile, take a few meds, run the roads in whatever RV I can finally afford, raise he77 when ever I can for as long as I can then when it's time to make my journey to the Rainbow Bridge to have a reunion with some old friends??? I think of that one forwarded email that goes around once in awhile! I gonna go into a power slide, tires screeching, hair flying and yelling at the top of my lungs. Hot damn what a ride!!!!!! :lol: And it will be a ride cause my CB handle is Wild Ride!

Looking forward to meeting you and the DH when the daughter and I finally manage to get out there!!!