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My Thanksgiving Blessing

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:01 pm
by ohlucy05
This probably belongs in pets but I got a new (old) 7 year old dog yesterday and that is my thanksgiving surprise. I had my family for dinner which we enjoyed very much and we started discussing dogs and how I missed Mr. Puppy.

My 17 year old rescued scottish terrier disappeared in August - I think I will see him at Rainbow Bridge. My shi tzu - 9 years old, MR. PUPPY, was alone. I went with my husband to Myrtle for a long weekend on the bike(motorcycle) and we boarded the dog at my father-in-law and somehow (jealous 14 year old princess niece...can you tell I am mad) let him out. FIL felt bad but we never found puppy and that has been over 2 months ago.

Husband has been trying to find a replacement. I told him I wanted to 'find' a dog not just take a dog. Daughter in law has a 7 year old pomeranine who she kept at her dad's house who was not happy there. Son and DIL can't have a dog at their townhouse. So she brought her over last night and Miss Misty is very happy...and we are on a one week trial but if last night is any indication...we have a match HOUSTON.

She loves to circle the kitchen floor for any ANY leftovers like my own roomba and she is friendly and she is potty trained. The only problem is she is not fixed. That would be a deal-breaker if I can not get her fixed. She will be spoiled. She jumped up in my husband's lap and he just played with her (normally a big no-no.) So yes I got a wonderful Thanksgiving surprise. :D


Re: My Thanksgiving Blessing

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:48 pm
by Bethers
Awwwwwwwww, what a wonderful Thanksgiving surprise. When you get a chance, take a pic of her and post it in pets. We all like to see!

Re: My Thanksgiving Blessing

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:02 pm
by avalen
oh what a great surprise, and when ya get a chance do post a pic, we all love those

Re: My Thanksgiving Blessing

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:34 pm
by Cedar518
Lucy, that sounds like a re-run of my Thanksgiving gift last year. I'd been quite a few months alone after my beloved Snickers cat had passed. So my friend Kathy brought me one of her cats for that famous "trial visit".... well, Midnight/Middy is right here sitting on the computer table at my elbow. We fell in love and she's my baby.

I sure hope your Miss Misty continues to be happy with you and give you lots of love as you will her. Isn't it great when a plan comes together?