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Sparkle's Here and I Couldn't See Her!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:18 pm
by Bethers
I didn't post to the my poor tummy thread, cuz my tummy would have revolted. What I thought was a cold coming to an end, turned into a flu hitting it's full stride today. I worked this am, then rested, then took my goodies to our Thanksgiving dinner, where I partook of not even a full plate, cuz food just didn't appeal. I should have known something was truly wrong when I couldn't eat my apple pie or a chocolate/peanut butter cookie one of the ladies made.

Without going into detail, the afternoon is a blur of mainly time in the bathroom, and being very grateful that my tub is RIGHT NEXT to my toilet - even though it meant the tub got inaugurated into a new use.

Now, my tummy is empty and I've been sleeping most of the time since - and my phone rings. Sprakle is HERE - right HERE - at the office right down the road from me. And I had to tell her that she didn't want to come near me - when I had intended if she got here today to take her to the rec hall for leftovers tonight. Drat, darn, - I feel even worse that I had to say - I'll call you tomorrow - and I BETTER be BETTER tomorrow - I've had enough of this.

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that Sparkle is here in Port A - and soon as I am well, we are going to hit the town. Lori and Ernie - you'll have to come down now :)

Re: Sparkle's Here and I Couldn't See Her!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:35 pm
by Echo
Awww Beth!! You poor sweetie. I am so sorry that you are sick. Are you sure it's just the flu or maybe a touch of food poisoning? If it's normal for you that both ends work when you have the flu? I guess that's what ya got. But dang!!! And yeah tubs come in really handy for that. A wastecan too can be a good friend!!! I know it's the last thing ya want to hear but be sure you drink lots of fluids it your losing it like that.

Hope you feel better tomorrow and that you and Sparkle can do the town together.

Re: Sparkle's Here and I Couldn't See Her!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:50 pm
by rvgrammy1953
Oh, Beth....yep.....sounds like the flu to me...hopefully you'll get better soon.....Got a PM from Sparkle that she made it to Port A.....Ernie says we'll check with you this weekend via the phone to see how you are doing and make plans then......can't wait to meet Sparkle and to see you again....

Get Better......lots of water, ginger ale,.....broth......jello..... ;)

Re: Sparkle's Here and I Couldn't See Her!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:06 am
by avalen
hope you feel better today Beth, its no fun to get the flu.

Re: Sparkle's Here and I Couldn't See Her!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:55 am
by Cedar518
OH OH,... sounds dreadful! I sure hope by now, ... Friday 7 a.m. that you are ok and rested and ready to head out with Sparkle.

You two stay out of trouble, I'm poor, can't afford to put up much for bail money! :lol:

Re: Sparkle's Here and I Couldn't See Her!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:09 am
by Nasoosie
Awww, sorry to hear about your stomach bug. It sounds like the one that has been going around our school, causing many students and teachers to make mad dashes and then head home. Sure hope it runs its course quickly, and that you and Sparkle and others can get together and visit and take a tour. I know how frustrating it must be for you to not be able to do what you were hoping for!

Hugs (from a loong distance!) to you from me and Molly
(Sure hope Peaches doesn't get this at the same time! She would have to stay right in your bathtub!)

Re: Sparkle's Here and I Couldn't See Her!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:52 am
by Redetotry
Sure hope you are feeling better and able to see Sparkle soon.

Re: Sparkle's Here and I Couldn't See Her!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:08 pm
by Bethers
As long as I don't eat, I'm fine :) -- Sparkle and I will get together tomorrow - and again on Sunday. And who knows when else. Still need to hear from Lori and Ernie as to what their plans are.

When I talked to Sparkle today, I learned she has her TT right on the beach near our boardwalk. She was going to do laundry. I got someone to give Peaches and me a golf cart ride to hopefully say hi - but she was already off - so we'll get together tomorrow - and probably a good thing - as I sure don't want to spread my germs. (Although I doubt I'm contagious anymore.)

Thanks for all your good wishes - I hate being sick - and this kind of sick is really unusual for me.

Re: Sparkle's Here and I Couldn't See Her!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:37 pm
by Cedar518
Bethers,... I'm so glad you are feeling better. When you see Sparkle check out how far she is from the high-tide markings,... :D Oh Sparkle,.. to be parked right on the beach,.. that sounds wonderful to me. We're expecting snow here Sunday/Monday. Yukkky!

Re: Sparkle's Here and I Couldn't See Her!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:15 pm
by AlmostThere
Beth, hope you are soon on the mend. Nothing worse that throwing up at both ends! Did you get a flu shot? Years ago I got one and got so sick I've never gotten another one and have never gotten the flu, either. A cold, yes, but not the flu. Drink lots of your tea to keep hydrated. Glad Sparkle is there to keep an eye on you.

Re: Sparkle's Here and I Couldn't See Her!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 6:26 pm
by retiredhappy
What a time of year to get the flu. Take care of yourself and get enough rest. How long is Sparkle going to be down there? Have you checked high tide where she's parked?

Re: Sparkle's Here and I Couldn't See Her!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:02 pm
by Bethers
Finally! One of the others here with a golf cart drove me down to see where Sparkle was parked this afternoon - but she was out doing laundry. She's so close to me, that Peaches and I walked back down later in the afternoon, and spent some time visiting. Wooohooooooooooo, so good to see her again. We're going to dinner tomorrow with a gent from my singles group - then Sparkle is coming with me Sunday night to steak and poker, but she won't play poker. In December we'll be taking a trip down to Mexico to get our teeth worked on.

As to the high tide mark, she's in soft sand - and as far up the beach next to the dunes you can get. Beyond that - it's all Sparkle's doing :)

Now, Lori and Ernie, you're right down the road - when can we get together with you ???