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How do I get out of here ?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:12 pm
by Mollysmom
Hi !
I'm starting to plan the next leg of my journey and thought I'd ask for some advise.
I'll be leaving Florence Oregon around the first of January (and yes, I know I'm way anal to be planning this far ahead) I want to eventually end up in Iowa sometime toward the end of March, first part of April.
I know how to get from here to there but my concern is driving in the mountains in the winter - how can I get from the west coast without driving through some horrible snow packed mountain pass ?
For those who don't know, I'm pulling a 37 ft 5th wheel so keep that in mind !!
Thanks for any advise you can give me - like I said I know it's early to be thinking about this, but that's just me - HA !!!

Re: How do I get out of here ?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:22 pm
by avalen
Hi Trudy, I don't think its too early to plan, I think its a good thing to plan early.
Now, if it was me and I wanted to stay away from the snow, cold and winter conditions
I take the coast down to southern California, then head over to Yuma and Quartzite,
gosh, I do seem to remember a gtg in the makings in Q, then from there, head down
to Texas, ummmm, spend the winter down there by Beth and then plan somemore.
But thats just me and where I would want to go, definately would want to stay out of
the snow our you might find yourself doing a little "Sparkly" number :lol: (sorry Sparkle,
I couldn't resist)

Re: How do I get out of here ?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:42 pm
by soisew
Mountains in winter are tricky. For the most part roads are kept well cleaned off unless there has been a storm recently. March isn't really spring yet in the high country deep snow and storms will be active until Easter or later.

The easiest route from west to east in winter is I-40. Personally, I'd go as far south as you can then work your way back north. Just beware that spring storms all throughout the mid-west can be wicked too.

We've traveled from WA & Oregon through Utah and into WY & CO in December, mostly on I-80. It was an adventure to say the least. In Oregon we had ice and sub-zero all the way into Utah. The RV parks and rest areas had not been scooped. We learned not to set jacks when parked for the night or they would freeze to the ground. All the high mt. passes on I-90 & 1-80 can be tough.

Check for open RV parks. Travel with fresh water (tank and bottles), lots of propane, and empty waste tanks just in case you find a route without open parks. We found some parks open but many did not have the water turned on so all we could get at some parks was electricity.

If you really watch you weather and road conditions you should be able to plot a course through. It could be you may have to get just so far and sit tight until roads clear.

Re: How do I get out of here ?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:15 pm
by AlmostThere
Hi, Trudy and the rest of you ladies,
Just throwing my 2 cents worth in here. I recall you gals once posting about weather radios/websites etc for road conditions etc. That may be an option to plan your traveling once you get on the road.

Re: How do I get out of here ?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:49 pm
by oregontocal
I pretty much agree with everyone else--stay on the coast and head south. Do not go back the way you came, I-5 through the Siskiyous as they're sometimes full of snow that time of year. What' can be a beautiful drive in fall turns kind of scary in winter.

Re: How do I get out of here ?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:51 pm
by Mollysmom
When can I "cut over" ? I don't want to have to drive through San Fransisco ! that's scary :D

Re: How do I get out of here ?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:10 pm
by oregontocal
Cut over to where? I-5? Good question. How about Ukiah? Of course, it depends on where you're headed and how long you want to take to get there. You're going to get snow and winter weather that time of year going through the Sierra Nevadas (Northeastern California) I'd suggest just biting the bullet and heading down either 101 or Hwy 1 on the coast down through San Francisco area (you won't be driving in the city). Pick a time there will be less traffic, such as the middle of the night or on a weekend and you should be fine. I think it's the thought that's scary, not the actual fact. After that you can cut back over towards the desert. Nevada would be fine, but it if it was me (and I'm going to be leaving Kansas for California mid-December, so am thinking the same type of thoughts), I'd head as far south as possible (Texas or something), then drive north to Iowa. I'm sure you'll still get into some snow, but you're probably more used to Midwest weather conditions than those in the West.

Re: How do I get out of here ?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:11 pm
by Bethers
There are lots of ways of avoiding San Francisco - but there is really beautiful country north and west of SF, that you would like.

I agree with the others - and I might suggest you think about not heading to Iowa before mid to late April - remember our Sparkle's mishap in the midwest in that time frame last year. That's very iffy whether - even when not in the mountains. Unless you have to be there in late March/early April - how about extending your travels another month or so.

And it would be great to see you here - the spring here is magnificent. I'll be leaving early in April to head west, though - so if you extend your time - maybe we'd meet on the road - You could consider staying south longer - and come to The Rally in Albuquerque in April. It's a great place to learn a lot.

Re: How do I get out of here ?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:06 am
by snowball
I would not go east from the west at that time of year. They speak the truth head south.. Stop in Q and see us!!
Really I80 is not a nice road in the winter and mt passes are not nice either unless you are used to them and even then I would not want to tow anything
Go south Trudy that is my humble opinion

Re: How do I get out of here ?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:31 am
by mtngal
Hi Trudy, this is only my humble opinion, and I always tend to the cautious side after many years working and supervising those working in the snow and ice.......IF you do decide to travel in January with your "big rig", get over to Interstate 5 and then head south, keep in mind that you will probably encounter snow and ice coming into northern CA from OR. Highway 1 down the coast of northern CA is not for a rig like yours especially in winter. Keep on 5 all the way south and over the Grape Vine, just south of Bakersfield (possible snow and ice again, watch the weather and road reports). Finally, head East on Highway 10. This will take you as far as you want to go through TX. Again, keep in mind, even that far south in the winter you may encounter very cold air creating ice on roadways. It's high desert! (Any other time of year, I am ALWAYS happier to head over one of the mountain passes and drive down 395 on the east side of the Sierra to avoid the Central Valley of CA.) Good luck and Happy Turkey Day!

Re: How do I get out of here ?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:00 am
by Mollysmom
Thanks everybody ! I appreciate the advise :D