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Less Seen Side of Las Vegas

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:28 am
by asirimarco
After putting the new tires on the Jeep - they were just screaming to be used so we oblidged them. Although I'm sure the jeep, Willie, himself didn't appreciate our trip as he had just been really, really cleaned and polished. Oh well such is life.
We met our son and his wife for dinner the first day we were here. The second day was spent running errands i.e. wash car, new tires, get watch fixed etc. and relaxing Sunday. Actually on Sunday I went out to lunch with a couple of women I used to work with in LA School district - they live here now too. Lots of catching up gossip. Any way by Monday we were chored out so I suggested in my infinite wisdom. Lets drive out to the town that is now coming back out of the desert as the waters from Lake Mead receed. So off we went - First through the Valley of Fire. I just love it there.
arches in the making
Road to St Thomas
Then we drove the dirt road out to St Thomas. When the Dam was filled the town had to be abandoned and the water of Lake Mead covered it. Now that the water is getting so low the foundations of the buildings are rising from the dead so to speak. Always wanted to go out there when we lived here but didn't soo......Well we finally got to end of long, washboard dirt road and found out it is a 2.5 mile hike to the remains of the town. I satisfied myself by looking. Where the valley is is where the town was.
After we got back to LV and the campground our oldest son (50) called he and his wife were coming into Sams Town. I'm ashamed to say when we found them I didn't recognize him - he is so old. His hair and beard are completely gray - my hair isn't gray yet! (He always had the most beautiful thick blond hair - the color you'd pay a fortune for.) When I first saw him I thought "That old man looks familiar" Then I got closer - oh my!
Going to meet them for breakfast soon then going to have dinner with them and youngest. I need to check his black hair for gray.

Re: Less Seen Side of Las Vegas

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:32 pm
by Mollysmom
Awesome pictures ! What a beautiful area. When I hear "Las Vegas" I just think bright lights and big city ! It's fun to see the other side of the area - thank you :D
It has to be weird to see your children get "old" (I won't say 50 is old 'cause I'm 50 - HA) Of course I don't know your son, but thank goodness he's not dying his hair - Men seldom look good when they dye their hair !! Especially that terrible coal black - HA !!!
Enjoy your family - I'm jealous :D

Re: Less Seen Side of Las Vegas

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:42 pm
by Bethers
I love those pictures - showing the terrain that makes me love getting "outside" of Vegas.

And I'm sitting here laughing about you not recognizing your son. Amazing isn't it - how can he have aged, when you have not!!!

Re: Less Seen Side of Las Vegas

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:04 pm
by Cedar518
Amazing pics Carol, as always! I can almost see those cowboys having a shootout among those desert rocks. I doubt I'd have been up for a 2.5 mile hike, either. What happened to the people whose houses were flooded? Were they relocated and paid for their homes? People in the Blue Ridge of VA had that happen too,... when it became a park. They were relocated down off the mountains,... sad for the older folks.

You and Bill take the most interesting tours!

Re: Less Seen Side of Las Vegas

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:10 pm
by retiredhappy
Love the pictures and the desert. I know exactly what you mean about your son - I'm not getting any older but my daughter sure is. :lol: :lol:

Re: Less Seen Side of Las Vegas

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:55 pm
by Carolinagal
What interesting sights you do find. Thanks so much for sharing. I was in Vegas almost 50 yrs. ago, I know it has grown, but I don't remember seeing any of the sights you show us here. It was desert and cactus. We lived in Ca. so came from the west and went back that way. Which way is this located from Vegas?

I hope your trip is as interesting to you as it is to us in your photos. Your children , like mine will be catching up with you and passing you by in age. I don't feel the age that my children are, hope that keeps up :lol: :lol: :lol:

Safe travels


Re: Less Seen Side of Las Vegas

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:36 pm
by Nasoosie
I have heard for a long time about Lake Mead, and about its waters receding....but have never seen pictures of that area. Is it because they have opened up dams to feed water to CA, or what is the reason? I would love to see that city that's coming our from beneath its waters! I'll have to get myself into tip-top shape before I head out there! And go prepared with water, backpack, food, etc.!

I have actually never seen deserts....I mean I drove through them years ago, as fast as I could, with no stops but for gas. I had no clue there was such interesting history in them there sands! It is the total antithesis of where I live, and now, at my age, I would be very interested to visit those places and spend time there. Sigh-----perhaps next year will be my time!

Thanks so much for those pictures----all of you who post where you have been. It is truly wonderful to be able to see things sort of 'first hand' by somebody I am in contact with.

I loved that you had trouble recognizing your son! My kids will definitely be older than I am some day....I can feel it coming on! They are all aging, but I am either standing still, or regressing, I think!

Have a fun time with your family!

Re: Less Seen Side of Las Vegas

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:19 pm
by Liz
Great list keeps getting longer, but that's a good thing...means I'll never be finished. I don't care a thing about visiting Las Vegas the city, but would love to tour the "Valley of Fire".

Re: Less Seen Side of Las Vegas

PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:32 pm
by Sparkle
Carol, did you tell your son what you thought when you saw him? Great "behind the scenes" pictures.

Re: Less Seen Side of Las Vegas

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:40 am
by asirimarco
Valley of Fire is on I-15 heading northeast out of Vegas towards St George, Utah. The lake is lowering due to lack of rain and snow and the extreme growth of the Vegas area. Over 5000 moving in each month.
Really checked out my son tonight at dinner, guess he really doesn't look as old as he seemed at first. He is gray though. And I'm afraid he did hear me say "Is that old man my son?" Also checked out my youngest (38) son's black hair, he doesn't show any gray yet. Neither did his dad until he was in his late 40s.
I love the desert - all the open space so ugly it is beautiful. The trees in Indiana seem to close in on me.

Re: Less Seen Side of Las Vegas

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:57 am
by snowball
Check out the west side of town as welll there is a mountain think they even ski there
I also like the valley of fire
very good pictures

Re: Less Seen Side of Las Vegas

PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:22 pm
by mtngal
Very lovely pics! I was so surprised to find that beautiful country along 15 on my way to Zion. So cool that you got OFF the highway to explore! Thanks for sharing your adventure.